Example sentences of "[coord] turn [pron] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 This does not mean changing the character of the river , or turning it into a canal .
2 Frequently , they expressed a sympathy for guerrilla activities and direct action , without recognizing that successful guerrilla movements were either controlled by an organized and disciplined party ( as in China ) or turned themselves into a traditional type of party ( as in Cuba ) when it became necessary to consolidate their rule and implement their policies .
3 When in trouble he could , like a god , make himself invisible or turn himself into an animal .
4 Johnny Kirk , whose family had been connected with the ‘ mayor-making ’ over the years , said they did not want to make a big production of it or turn it into a tourist attraction ; they wanted to keep it as it was , ‘ a local event for local people ’ .
5 Yet though the witches bring his already existing ambition out they can not be completely blamed for his downfall and degeneration as it this , his own ambition which eventually takes him over and turns him into a psychopath , killing merely out of feeling and without reason .
6 Modernization eventually takes away children 's ability to earn and turns them into a cost as they need education to earn as adults .
7 To take only one example , the planet Jupiter had to be represented correctly , including its moving cloud formations , before the fantasy element where a black hole containing obelisks ‘ devours ’ the planet and turns it into a sun .
8 There 's a utility called convert that takes a GIF file and turns it into a BMP .
9 Human computation is wonderfully sensitive to context ; it captures the spirit in the message and turns it into the appropriate letters .
10 Ken Russell took the removal of restraint and stiff-upper-lip repression that American finance had encouraged and turned it into a distinctive aesthetic style .
11 SIX people accused of kidnapping a teenage girl and turning her into a human torch appeared in court yesterday .
12 In the ‘ we-reap-as-we-sow ’ category this week there are reports by Computer Reseller News that WordPerfect is now thinking about dusting off its long-standing complaints against Microsoft Corp and turning them into an anti-trust action if the US Federal Trade Commission does n't hop to and litigate .
13 In this way Ulthuan drains magic out of the known world and prevents the tide of magic overwhelming everything and turning it into a seething realm of Chaos .
14 He largely reshaped this family business , rescuing it from near bankruptcy in the 1860s , extending it into tinplate in Monmouthshire , carrying through several amalgamations , and turning it into a public company in 1902 .
15 Like the Tubwell torrentor it had a disconcerting habit of flooding the road and turning it into a muddy cesspool .
16 I mean many people wrote disparagingly about your attempt , your nerve in taking on a gem of the New York stage and turning it into a British directed movie .
17 With her died the chance for Sinead to exorcise the demons that had scarred her childhood and turned her into a rebel whose talent to shock would ultimately overshadow her singing ability .
18 Notebooks in hand , they listened beside her hospital bed as she told of how her attacker stripped her , tied her hands behind her back , and turned her into a human rag doll by dumping her in a city rubbish skip .
19 ‘ One good thing to come out of it was that it inspired me to play guitar and turned me into the person I am . ’
20 As summer drew on , the ocean of green became darker and darker until the first fires of autumn caught the leaves and turned them into a patchwork of burnished copper and gold leaving the black of the yews standing out once more .
21 Quinn 's line of thought can be traced back to earlier works such as those of Lindblom ( 1959 ) and Wrapp ( 1967 ) , but he took these general ideas and turned them into a framework for observing organization behaviour and then into practical recommendations for the chief executive who is responsible for strategic change .
22 Valerie looked cautiously round , then , lowering her voice , said : ‘ Weeks ago our little kitten ran into the wood , and she caught him and turned him into a witch 's cat . ’
23 As a result her handsome husband shrank into a shrivelled old man until he was so deformed the gods took pity on him and turned him into a cicada — one of the first creatures to excitedly greet the dawn on a warm summer 's day .
24 Harry was enjoying himself : he had been drinking , and was in that pleasant state of semi-inebriation that softened his tongue and turned him into a quite amiable human being .
25 Britain is seen as having surrendered power to the Common Market in a way that has limited our freedom of manoeuvre and turned us into a colony of an embryonic West European federal state .
26 Deracinated urban youths have built upon this uncompromisingly physical attitude to games and turned it into a different , more aggressive , and organized subculture .
27 The relentlessly lumbering movie machine has taken a truly extreme , hallucinatory book about oppression and obedience , juiced it up with some patronising love interest and turned it into a standard ‘ women 's issues ’ film : sanitised , regulated and pointless .
28 Mendes rescued a Chichester revival of London Assurance at short notice and turned it into a hit .
29 They employed hundreds of workers who had previously known lace-making as a domestic craft , and turned it into a mass-production industry which brought an end to cottage lace-making here and in the villages of Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire .
30 that the Germans had tidied it up a bit and turned it into a garden .
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