Example sentences of "[coord] just [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The location is in a small cobbled pedestrian street behind the Nieuwe Kerk & just off the lively Dam Square near our Amsterdam Office .
2 I 'd have them all on if I needed a confidence boost , or just for the sheer enjoyment of the sound , but it was fundamentally one AC30 that made that noise .
3 Again , temperatures will be near or just below the seasonal norm , around nine or ten celsius , forty eight to fifty fahrenheit , the east coast staying a bit colder due to the light easterly breeze .
4 And then , of course , come along and er for while there was a competition with chasers over the forest , you know one running either just in front , or just behind the other , sort of thing .
5 Draw the shadow pencil all the way under the lower lashes , from the inner corner to outer edge and just onto the upper lid .
6 Weighing only 280gm , the TEC LM100 falls into the middle bracket of glue guns , above the ‘ hobbyist ’ miniature variety and just below the large trade tools .
7 The Anterior Arms of the Tentorium — The invaginations which form these apodemes usually lie on either side of the frontoclypeal sulcus , when the latter is present , and just above the anterior articulations of the mandibles .
8 There was a small horse-box parked in one corner of the yard and just on the other side of the gate a large Mercedes .
9 Talbot listened again , and just before the allotted minute was up , he leaned forward and creased his brow .
10 Telegrams , accordingly , were sent , and continued to be sent ; and just before the final Schools , on which Paul had banked everything , Sophia really did die ; taking a sudden seizure in the dining-room , before the lodgers assembled ready at table .
11 And just after the supposed orgy , as Summers admits but in an end-note , the FBI began heavy surveillance of Meyer Lansky — supposedly the blackmailer-in-chief .
12 Sharing between us our repertoire , we turned up two comedy songs , But I could n't and Just in the old sweet way .
13 If they get in if they start getting in the way the best thing to do is just let them relax to the side and try and forget about them , I know it 's difficult to forget about them but just to the conscious effort with the hands is just to put them at the side .
14 The king penguins , biggest in size and slowest to mature , moved into the crèche area ( off limits to visitors , but just behind the main penguin pool ) until they , too , had fledged , and they were put on public display during the summer .
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