Example sentences of "[coord] many [noun pl] had be " in BNC.

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1 However , he reflected that it was now twenty years since he had been ejected from the church on ‘ Black Bartholomew 's Day ’ , and during all that time , by God 's mercy , he , and many others had been kept in relative ‘ peace ’ and freedom to serve the Lord , despite all the efforts of the Church and State to silence them .
2 Those killed included army officers and government officials , and many others had been imprisoned without any kind of trial .
3 For him this was as much a part of everyday routine as surgery and many children had been greatly helped by him when afraid or emotionally disturbed .
4 ‘ Police and many volunteers had been up all night looking for them .
5 In none of the patients had the diagnosis been considered by the referring doctor and many patients had been subjected to extensive investigations .
6 An outbreak of Beijing flu had been expected , and many patients had been immunised early .
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