Example sentences of "[coord] because she [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She 's a golden eagle like you and because she 's dying they 've brought you here to replace her .
2 And because she was remembering that , when Albert said , ‘ It 's her ring , is n't it ? ’ she was n't altogether surprised , only felt a little , shivery shock , as if something she had been half-expecting to happen , had happened at last .
3 She had already visited the de Chavigny showrooms there , and because she was feeling nervous she had been more than usually extravagant .
4 Ruth drank thirstily because it was her first priority and because she was going to enjoy the next delicious moment and wanted to savour the expectancy of it .
5 It was n't just to please her companions , but because she was beginning to have doubts about her original opinion .
6 Not because she needed it , but because she was determined no one else should have it .
7 She got out as soon as she could , and found work in the weaving sheds — " she was a good weaver ; six looms under her by the time she was sixteen " — marry , produce nine children , eight of whom emigrated to the cotton mills of Massachusetts before the First World War , managed , " never went before the Guardians " .1 It was much , much later that I learned from One Hand Tied Behind Us that four was the usual number of looms for a Lancashire weaver ; Burnley weavers were not well organised , and my great-grandmother had six not because she was a good weaver but because she was exploited . "
8 His betrayal of Nicola Hammond ought to have annoyed her — not for Nicola 's sake , but because she was reminded of risks she 'd taken ; of risks she might have to take .
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