Example sentences of "[coord] because she have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Could he not withdraw the promise on finding himself in straitened circumstances , or on falling out with P , or because she had married a wealthy man ? suppose then that D's promise is to pay the money ’ so long as you remain unmarried . ’
2 Neither then , nor later : Carrie never mentioned Druid 's Bottom after that day , not to him , nor to their mother , and because she had frightened him so badly , crying like that , neither did he .
3 It was the fact that Perk had many different coloured ribbons and every day she would select one to go with her outfit and because she had gone missing wearing a yellow dress , Gail suspected that it was Mr Elder who had taken Perk .
4 And although his eyes did n't seem to move the prickle of her skin sensed that he had n't missed a thing , from the mass of dark hair which was now half-up and half-down , to the crazy oranges-and-lemons earrings which she 'd clipped on because — well , just because it was Saturday and sunny , and because she had felt like it .
5 Her last comment had sounded flippant , a little bitter , as if she begrudged the fact that he could afford all this , when in reality she had just said the first thing that had come into her head because he was close and because she had felt his love of the land and in doing so had glimpsed a part of him that was unknown , disturbing to her .
6 Her mother never knew this , though , and because she had agreed to accept that the words ‘ action stations ’ meant that there was an urgent and valid reason for the conversation to be terminated she felt no sense of rejection .
7 And because she 's got a little girl , people think we 're friends or sisters .
8 This time we 've er included her hand and because she 's got nail varnish on er , you 've got the sort of highlights coming from the nails which tend to accen accentuate her fingers .
9 Finally she returned to her dorm , terrified not so much at the prospect of getting caught but because she had come back empty handed .
10 Oh , the benison of it , she thought , for she seemed to need comfort now , not only because she was tired after the journey and far away from John , but because she had admitted to herself that she loved him , had let her love sweep over her like a kind of illness , ‘ giving in ’ to flu , conscious only of the present moment .
11 The Act Two ball dress , the emerald gown with the huge stiffened collar embroidered with pearls , looked even better than the Act One dress and she realized that , without knowing quite how , she had quelled Gesner — not for reasons of rivalry but because she had had to get the production back on course .
12 Any problems she has encountered have not been because of her gender , but because she has had older people working for her .
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