Example sentences of "[coord] because [pron] do n't " in BNC.

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1 It is least successful when it makes stereotypical assumptions about women : that they behave in certain ways because they are mothers , or because they do n't work outside the home , for example .
2 I do n't know if it was because it never happened , or because they did n't think I was the right person to talk to . ’
3 Because he spoke riddles in verse , or because he did n't believe the story of Flodden ?
4 In a poignant soliloquy , watching smoke curl into the sky like an ethereal question mark , he exclaims , ‘ Ah , human beings — they tremble and worry like a leaf in the storm because they know and because they do n't know . ’
5 They stay with the paving stones and the plumbing because they understand them , and because they do n't constitute a challenge to anybody .
6 It claims Michael Heseltine wrote two letters to SFV saying he 'd read the company 's brochure and because it did n't run package holidays there was no need for insurance .
7 I do n't respect O'Connor because she suggests that decent working people just give up everything , and because she does n't genuinely make the best of the power she HAS got .
8 ‘ They asked about Joanna , and because I did n't know what was going on I said she had been due at the Leisure Centre at 7pm to take her class .
9 Because I was desperate to save Kirsty — and because I did n't realise what type of woman Janice was .
10 And because I do n't want you living in the same house as someone who might be a murderer .
11 But perhaps I give that impression because I have strong views on certain subjects and because I do n't go in for the social whirl , for fast cars and fast women . ’
12 Roland thought they ought to look for somewhere else , but held back from proposing it , because he was not the breadwinner , and because he did n't want to do anything so decisive , in terms of himself and Val .
13 there 's no problem there , erm , but because we do n't actually have a radio that gets us the World Service , the people did n't know what was going on , the only thing that we knew was that the air , because Riyadh is a military city
14 But because they do n't say it to my face , it does n't mean to say I do n't still get them : now they say things behind my back .
15 If they knew that the unemployment rates were twenty or thirty percent in urban areas that they would n't migrate but because they do n't have that information that 's , that 's the reason .
16 There was little recognition of the fact that Labour lost not because they changed but because they did n't change enough .
17 Not because you were bad but because they did n't want to pay any more money .
18 He could have saved John , but because he did n't want to look soft in front of all the important people who 'd heard him promise Herodias ' daughter whatever she wanted , Herod killed John as requested .
19 No refreshment was offered , not because Monsignor wished to be inhospitable but because he did n't feel it was appropriate to the place and time .
20 But because he did n't receive immediate attention , he 's likely to remain partially lame the rest of his life .
21 You see , if Bill comes over he has a go at Bill , even though he knows Bill , but because he do n't see him that much he has a go at him .
22 One the first flush of passion is over , sex often seems to become infrequent , not because you do n't fancy each other , but because you do n't fancy each other at the same times .
23 But because you do n't that amount has n't been withdrawn from that two twenty five , so that in the next year you put in your eighteen hundred and at the end of that year you get interest on three thousand eight hundred and of course the two twenty five which happens to be three seventy seven , so at that second year you start getting interest on the fifty six pounds that you have n't been required to pay .
24 I mean , as you say , I cover all the points but because you do n't do them in the right order perhaps you muck them up
25 Things like that sometimes you can remember but because you do n't use them so often you think , Oh that 's strange .
26 But because you do n't know I mean I er y you ca n't imagine really somebody saying , Oh I 'm going to be a removal man I think , it sounds like a fascinating idea , and you would n't think it was .
27 Or if you 're forty percent you would have actually paid a thousand and sixty seven , but because you did n't pay that because it 's tax exempt you actually gained that amount of interest on the tax that stayed in with your account .
28 ‘ I use it for a couple of songs every night , but because I do n't use effects — I just plug into an amp — I always use different guitars to get different tones .
29 I 'm not doing without a holiday because I 'm feeling hard up though , but because I do n't particularly want one . ’
30 Of course , if I had obeyed the rule strictly , I would n't have had any problems , but because I did n't want to knit the next row I thought I could move both cams .
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