Example sentences of "[coord] what be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you do n't know what 's true , or what 's meant to be true , then the value of what is n't true , or is n't meant to be true , becomes diminished .
2 Inheriting the earth , or what 's left of it by the time the non-meek have realized the folly of their ways , is a process which takes much fortitude and patience .
3 Or what 's left of it ? ’
4 I retrieve my right hand , or what 's left of it , from Ernest R Dickerson 's mighty grip .
5 Helen Buttery still has her car … or what 's left of it .
6 stresses the importance of direct experience in the education of children : ‘ Children soon forget what they say or what is said to them , but not what they have done nor what has been done to them ’ ; ‘ Give your scholar no verbal lessons ; he should be taught by experience only ’ ( ibid .
7 Erm the er most important item I think Chairman is the work programme for the future year which commences at erm about twelve and forms the second half of the report and I would be very happy to deal with any questions and it is very clearly in the light of things that we 've already said , the first part of er that latter half of the report er which er emphasises the erm principal activities er to the department er that of strategic policy in paragraphs thirteen one , thirteen two and thirteen three are therefore perhaps the areas to which I would er draw you attention er most , but the report as whole is er I hope a reasonably succinct summary of what has gone on or what is proposed to be done and er in order to avoid simply what is already in the report , I , I would leave it at that point and say I 'm happy to deal with any questions .
8 Large and uncompromisingly rectangular , it was built of granite , or what is known as granite in these parts .
9 But sometimes the problem lies in our assuming that religious concepts have the same meaning for different people , when in fact there are grossly different understandings , even within Christianity , of who or what is meant by God — to take only the most basic example .
10 I listened with great interest to my hon. Friend the Member for Liverpool , West Derby ( Mr. Wareing ) when he recounted all the difficulties that one experiences in that unhappy country , or what is left of it at the moment .
11 The aim of knowledge-seeking will depend on what is important for or what is valued by the individual or community in question .
12 I 'm a very patient Chair , or what are perceived as cuts , not reductions in services , total decimation of services , if we actually go down these particular lines ,
13 With sex , or what are known as ‘ the facts of life ’ , it was different .
14 Instead of using It ( a cleft structure ) , an identifying theme places an element in theme position by turning it into a nominalization using a wh-structure ( called a pseudo-cleft structure ) , as in What the book received in China was a great deal of publicity , or What was received by the book in China was a great deal of publicity .
15 I still do not know [ September 1992 ] who briefed this court , when the briefings took place or what was told to this court during those briefings . ’
16 No one seemed to know what to do next , or what was expected of them , and in the end it was David himself who took control .
17 At tea-time the momentum of the day — or what was left of it after Doctor O'Connor-Crowley 's intrusion — petered out and things began to sag .
18 It was the melon again , or what was left of it .
19 Ants were trying to return to their separate nests , or what was left of them , if anything .
20 Their administration has been intensively studied and seen as part of what John Le Patourel called the ‘ converging and ultimately clashing development of the government of [ the Angevin Empire ] , or what was left of it … and the development of royal government in the kingdom of France .
21 That night , or what was left of it , I could not sleep .
22 The entire Project Eden team — or what was left of it — was milling around : cowed , shocked and submissive .
23 There were bits of that sodding plane embedded in his guts ; all mixed up with him … or what was left of him ; poor little bastard .
24 The Council , or what was left of it now , nodded wisely although frankly none of them understood or cared much about mechanical things .
25 Again , neither these comments nor what was described as the least desirable eventuality ‘ the establishment of a Communist-dominated , Moscow-oriented state in Indo-China ’ , seem inaccurate or unreasonable : although it may be argued that the inherent fault was to assume that this represented the limit of Ho 's power and appeal .
26 And what are said to be her feelings about him ? ’
27 However , there is a lack of fit between social order and cosmological system , and what are seen by less fortunate Balinese as gross inequalities of wealth and power serve as grounds for occasional breaches of the ‘ peaceful ’ ethic .
28 If we knew the connection between the poem and what 's written on those sheets , then cracking the code would be child 's play .
29 It is best to make these shelves as close together as possible — say , around 10″ , and depending on the depth of shelf and what 's stored on it .
30 After all , these guys are no part of my battle , most of them do n't know me , and they 've turned out in numbers only because Rufus said they had to defend their territory — but I decide this ai n't the time for that , and it would make more sense to invite these gift-horses in for coffee and what 's left of the whisky .
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