Example sentences of "[coord] there be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And there 's nowhere to put your parcels , like you with
2 I think we should n't leave it too late before we come because the shops all close , it 's cold and there 's nowhere to sit .
3 You want to scream out and make them stop it , and you want to cringe up your body and hide it somewhere , and there 's nowhere to hide , and the shells keep screaming down and blowing everything up all around you .
4 Erm because it is an onerous task , erm onerous in terms of the time that needs spending doing the job even if it 's relatively simple in terms of what needs to be done it still takes time and there 's still running around to do .
5 and there 's only going to be a couple of people there she knows and she was gon na ring Marie and see if Rob and I could go , you know , really as a , to keep , make up a foursome sort of thing
6 It 's too late now , the DHSS will be shut and there 's naff-all to eat in the camp except lentils . ’
7 But then I 've got sons , and there 's never seemed much point in going for more of the same !
8 And there is nowhere to go except to England .
9 Areas of study reflect both the old and the new concerns : they range from head-counting to Grand Theory ; they cover religious organisations and their power structures ; they examine processes such as conversion , apostasy , institutionalisation , bureaucratisation , the growth of charisma and its rationalisation ; typological distinctions are drawn ( such as those between church , denomination and sect ) ; the relationship between religion and other areas of society ( the family , education , economy and , especially , politics ) is examined from a number of angles at a number of levels ; and there is also developing an increasing number of specialist ‘ sub-disciplines ’ — such as the sociologies of Catholicism , secularism , the ministry , gender and religion , and new religious movements .
10 Novell Inc chief financial officer James Tolonen says he is comfortable with analysts ' estimates that the Provo , Utah company will do between $1.00 to $1.05 a share on an operating basis in the fiscal year to October 31 compared with $0.81 a share last fiscal ; the acquisition of Unix System Laboratories Inc will require a one-time charge of between $0.30 and $0.60 a share , which will probably be taken against third quarter figures , and there is also expected to be a $0.02 a share amortisation charge .
11 The proportions remain the same both Haydn-Niemecz and Mozart-Czerny increase from slowest to fastest by a factor of two , and there is no getting around the fact that both pieces of information describe a considerable range for minuet tempos including quite fast Allegrettos .
12 And there is no pretending that these are anything but sectarian .
13 There is no certainty that it will produce the best weights , and there is no knowing when to stop it , but it seems to work well in practice .
14 Wolfe planned it all , but I acted with him , and there is no excusing my actions .
15 We are deep into it now , and there is no avoiding it .
16 And there is no avoiding it .
17 Once triggered , the sufferer 's diseased spirit says " more " and there is no predicting when the spree of further alcohol or drug use will stop .
18 Now family reasons can be anything from baby 's colic to a wife running off with the milkman , and there is no arguing with them , because it is indelicate to inquire further , and potentially embarrassing to boot .
19 Where by the order a party is first ordered to do the act , and there is then added a clause in the order that in default of so doing specific consequences will follow , the part that directs the act to be done must use one or other of the above forms of wording .
20 Whilst such an operation does not generally offer any price advantage over a retail business , it is a very convenient way of choosing goods and there is always extended credit available .
21 Holland is based on three divisions , France has four , America four , Australia two and there are also operating companies in Hong Kong and Japan .
22 And there are also orphan countries there — poor places , backwaters , as it might seem , at opposite ends of the earth .
23 When researchers approach publication there is ample published guidance for them on what their obligations are , and there are well known style guides within each scientific discipline including , in medicine , the Vancouver style .
24 There are a total of 26 simple instructions in RISC as compared with the 243 in the VAX complex instruction set and there are no addressing modes .
25 THE Law and its administration have seen changes in recent years and there are more to come .
26 On the whole , the evidence points to these Mesara round tombs having been roofed ; the surviving wall stumps are very thick and have faces that slope inwards , and there are sometimes fallen wall blocks in the interior , suggesting a collapsed beehive vault .
27 The adverbs here and there are often thought of as simple contrasts on a proximal/distal dimension , stretching away from the speaker 's location , as in : ( 72 ) Bring that here and take this there But this is only sometimes so , for although there basically means " distal from speaker 's location at CT " , it can also be used to mean " proximal to addressee at RT " .
28 The door at the top was fortified with extra timbers , and there were newly installed bolts on the door .
29 Two Somali gunmen were reported to have been shot dead and several others wounded the same day in an attack on a UN compound in Mogadishu , and there were further reported incidents of continuing instability in the capital and elsewhere .
30 Bracken Cottage was old , and there was no felt beneath the red pantiles .
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