Example sentences of "[coord] there [was/were] quite a " in BNC.

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1 At the end of February news filtered in that no peasants were willing to join the military ranks , and there were quite a few desertions .
2 Mrs X- — ( a teacher ) used to like Indian food and there were quite a few Indian girls in the class , so in two or three lessons in the cookery class they made Indian food .
3 And there were quite a large collection of police who stood in reserve up one of the side streets .
4 The bright one was moving in a silvery blur , and there were quite a few dark-furred heaps lying crumpled nearby .
5 She was quite near the plane now and there were quite a lot of newspaper photographers around her , but she did not stop walking .
6 Not everyone in the Old City was an admirer of Sheikh Osman and there were quite a few Moslems as well as Copts who rejoiced in his discomfiture .
7 And there were quite a few members had started coming from up the lane and some of the people .
8 She hesitated , looking from one to the other of their expectant faces , and there was quite a distinct change in her voice as she repeated in Italian :
9 And there was quite a scuffle at that time .
10 The the Jolly George er was a ship that was loaded with arms er to send to Russia , to for our the use of our troops in Russia , and the sailors refused to sail it , and there was quite a to do about this because they 'd got the steam up and it was ready to go but they never went .
11 And there was quite a few court cases .
12 But the bread soon turned green in this time of year and there was quite a lot of penicillin about hence . .
13 Erm , many of you will realize that East Devon have been requested er by the Government to prepare these area wide plans rather than just a town plan so they take in and encompass the whole of the area and there was quite a lengthy and substantial document with the , with all the different policy statements on I believe Councillor ?
14 Er there would have been some cases where that had happened erm and clearly the nationalists had withdrawn from most of southern China into , into south west China and therefore erm th th there 'd been er and there was quite a lot of fighting going , still going across south China so i it 's not quite the same .
15 Many ringsiders felt the 22-year-old from the Mount Tallant Club had won quite convincingly and there was quite a few surprised faces when the final scoring was announced .
16 So you know , and there was quite a big column , there were one column in the Edinburgh Evening News , and it 's in my my wee red book there .
17 I think Steve was going to a first aider or something , and there was quite a few different people .
18 The sea was not rough , but there was quite a heavy swell , and the noise of this breaking on the reefs and skerries to their left was daunting to the uninitiated .
19 I do n't know if you remember , but there was quite a punch-up over who would win it . ’
20 So I do n't know whether they 'd been sending them away , to be er as patterns to some other firm or what , but there was quite a quant there was er a quantity of of casting sand you know black stuff that you use .
21 Well we did n't run out , we run out of but there was quite a few outside in the
22 I 'd already posted off loads of stuff , but there was quite an accumulation from 6 months , including the tent and camping gear which was only used , in the event , at the Easter rally .
23 Usually it was someone congratulating us on having won a free dancing lesson or test drive ; but there were quite a few grumpy wrong numbers , which made us feel at home .
24 Now what they , what they were supposed to do erm I never did know but there were quite a number of these er men who lived in this train and they had a lieutenant who 's quite a handsome chap by all accounts , he used to come into the office a chap named lieutenant and erm erm this was one of the things that landed on Joyce 's plant er plate and er she used to meet these Education Officers and arrange for courses and in the er in Lieutenant 's case of course there was er , instruction in English which erm erm Stanley who was a Headmaster of er Area School he undertook classes for these Polish chaps but er so often of course these erm , these units were only in the area for a limited space of time so you could n't arrange anything very , very comprehensive
25 But there were quite a few grumblings that Rocky was n't even on the bench .
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