Example sentences of "[coord] all we [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 And all we got was we slept through that .
2 And all we got was a lousy phone call three weeks later .
3 We try to get on with people , to be friendly with them and all we get is trouble .
4 It consists of three parallel cylinders of spongy tissue enclosed in an outer sheath of elastic skin and all we ask is that it stiffens on demand and performs its time-honoured functions without complaint .
5 Erm and all we ask is that if you if you 've said you 're coming to do a session , that you do actually turn up and if you ca n't then if you can telephone us as early as possible to let us know that you ca n't make it , that 's not a problem .
6 It has been presented as remote and ‘ surgical ’ — a technological war of such precision that only military targets are hit and all we experience is a tv screen demonstrating the spectacular nature of the equipment , and the helplessness of Third World enemies .
7 And all we say is that we pay extra commission if we send you away but it is against er against our principle and even er economics to send people that far away .
8 We think we do things for ourselves and all we do is live in odd corners of their world — under their floors , stealing things .
9 Now I 'm not saying that we stand here and all we do is that because when you want to emphasise a point then sometimes a a single non-symmetrical a single hand gesture is more appropriate .
10 Diane said : ‘ We advertised for help , but all we got were hoax calls .
11 Here was a marvellous chance for us to see the paintings but all we had was talk , talk , and more talk about what the paintings were supposed to mean .
12 you know , there 's no vow there , but all we do is join hands together , share blessings to both of us , and no vow , we never make any vow but they made a blessing for us .
13 Yeah we 've seen one or two up there , but all we do is to tell them er to get down .
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