Example sentences of "[coord] then [pron] show [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The thing is , if they always give you and you , your , nine times out of ten what they do is like , is either , they either put a can over there or a beer or something , they put it over the end of the , the weapon pull the trigger and that , even with a flash that can go like that , and then they show you one with the , the erm flashes right which have more powerful than the and they 've actually got same again same charge as a life grenade in , but it just plain cardboard so , obviously no trap , but if you lay on them ooh er , you get or something you do n't throw what they do now is they put one they light one , put the helmet over the top of it and make it lit , it runs like buggery and it 'll go a hundred , a hundred and fifty foot up in the air and inside it looks like its been and where its been in the thing it 'll be like er , six seventy foot off the ground , I mean I laid on one once and I , landed about two foot too my left so I 've rolled over , rolled , rolled , and rolled , as I 've rolled I 've rolled over on my back and I 've had all loads of over , like the , I had a roll there its like the er
2 thought he 'd cut and things like this and then they showed you the chap the next day and he was completely different !
3 Yes , and then she showed us some
4 there was about twenty cards and you had to name everything that was on it , order everything , like you usually go , erm that 's it or something and erm you have to learn it in the MAs and MEs and things and all that and then she showed you and you had to take everything on that
5 Yeah I know but he did say that even though agents I 'm not giving you this and then he showed me all the things you know to sort of prove that he was doing it .
6 shows you a little tiny picture of the calculator and when you press one button it presses the button on the thing and then he showed me the clock
7 But when yo when you walk in the door , I mean , first Stuart knew so he that 's why he took me in , and we walk in and there 's a head waiter would you like a table for two sir would you like a non smoking or a smo and then he showed you to your table and pulled your chair , you know , I mean tha not what you expect in a tea shop or coffee place you know i ha ha and they have proper waitresses with the little hat on , you know she 'll get about four tables so they 're looking after you and even on your saucer where you had your I mean yo your teapot and everything on the saucer 's a little mat so that you do n't drip , if it drips
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