Example sentences of "[coord] then [pron] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 After snarling a few choice remarks at them from the corners of our mouths , such as , ‘ Get lost ! ’ or ‘ Beat it ! ’ , which we understood to be good American for , ‘ Please go away , we do not wish for company , ’ we managed to rid ourselves of a few of them , but two of the most persistent followed us until we were clear of the town , and then we realised that the only way to be left alone was for us to be really rude .
2 At first it is not easy … we usually find that we have completed the task at hand and then we remember that we have not stopped to think first .
3 To confirm this we have to pause and look back from the road to Aubeterre as it climbs the eastern slope of the valley of the Tude , just as Pound must have paused in 1911 ; and then we see that , whereas the modern town of Chalais is in the river bottom , old Chalais , a manorial village grouped round the gate of the château , does indeed stand on the ridge behind , so that the tops of the tallest poplars by the river wave just below the walls of the château .
4 And then we decided that me and me brother would go chance our hand at Lyness .
5 And then we learn that the wife is a townswoman , a merchant 's wife , not a fine lady , and the stage is set for the fabliau drama by the absence of the husband on business .
6 And he said he was working with an old fellow which is getting on in age and he was quite absent minded and he said , I was about thirty feet from the ground on a ledge er filling er s a hole ready for shot for blasting and the old fellow was about twenty feet higher than him and then he was ss er whatsit another hole and then a at the top of the chamber there 's a little hole , he said , like a roof we call it which is a little passage that goes up into the next floor and then we used that as an escape route he did n't have to go far .
7 You know he was that tramp must have been an honest man because father said there was quite a little of sovereigns in that , and so I suppose it had been given to the parish and had seen that the man was properly buried , and then they discovered that he was an Aberdonian .
8 You know and then they realize that er in showing a building society account they just showed the interest after deduction of tax .
9 She had a lumpectomy and then they found that the cancer had spread to her lymph glands , which are like a racetrack for the rest of the body .
10 They ask you to go out with them , they buy you a drink or two — and then they think that they can do what they want !
11 They first of all say they want local government to be more responsible , to be more trusted , to have more freedom , I then give them that freedom and then they complain that I 'm not telling local government what to do and I do n't intend to lay down every detail of what they should do .
12 First of all they say that if she thinks that they 're waxworks she should pay , and then they say that if she thinks that they are real , she should be talking to them .
13 One minute they say you ca n't eat , and then they say that you can eat it !
14 They keep telling us about this poll tax , they 've got to cut the staff and then they decide that they 're going to give this man this money .
15 At first Grainne thought it was that power was stealing over them , and then she thought that it was not power but strength , only that did not seem quite right either .
16 Examining her responses to this normal catalogue of everyday events , of life , she found that she wished she was dead , had been dead for some time , so that she was used to it : and then she thought that if she had been dead for long enough , she would probably be bored with that by now .
17 When she had gone Scarlet thought how bored with their conversation Brian would have been had he been present , and then she thought that , with him around , they would n't have had that conversation and she would have been bored .
18 She thought about what Oliver had said and how silly he was and then she thought that things did happen , and not just to wicked people .
19 She thought again what a point of defence the tower was , commanding the countryside , and then she saw that there was a back road leading away from the tower , narrower , bumpier even than the drive to the front door , which snaked quickly down the hill and out of sight .
20 And then she saw that there was a narrow , open doorway in the wall opposite her , which opened on to another chamber .
21 Sandra 's friends would all be so much younger than herself , and then she heard that the guest list comprised all age groups and included many of her old local friends whom she had n't seen for the past two years , and so she decided to go .
22 And then she realised that the hoof beats of his horse had come to an abrupt stop .
23 And then she realised that he actually meant to force the key to breaking-point .
24 And then she realised that Aunt Bertha had made no mention of these activities .
25 and she said my sister spends I mean , we 're now talking about nineteen seventy my sister spends twelve and six a week on things from for the house on the hire purchase if she ever truly runs into debt she 'll save part of the cost of the thing , you know and then she knows that she 's always going to have to put twelve and six a week aside but she does that and buys things for the house and you see if you 've got if you 've got that little bit of extra coming in it 's quite well it 's like my lodgers , Brenda if I could n't if I could n't get what I need from my lodgers well Neil pays me Neil 's house rent which thirty pound a week
26 And then she remembered that it was Sunday — which was her aunt 's afternoon for visiting friends .
27 On returning to London he found the entry lock to his block of flats had been changed to keep out squatters from a neighbouring residence , forcing him to wait outside with his suitcases and ‘ coffin ’ for hours , and then he learnt that his house in Worcester had been vandalised by his tenant .
28 And then he feels that perhaps there is n't .
29 And then he knew that he was entitled to hope .
30 A b on on one day he he went earlier and he had his lunch in London , he said , and there was another man on the table and er the both reached for the salt together and upset it and there was apologies and talks and then he discovered that he was the buyer for the London County Council .
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