Example sentences of "[coord] when he [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Erm the , the other thing I noticed was that there is very little or no eye contact at all with Martin so you , you were never really looking at him when you were asking questions or when he was giving you the answers back , so there was no er visual acknowledgement whenever he was , he was coming back to you .
2 The case of the plaintiff is that he should still have been told and advised about the er availability of this provision , particularly when he was clearly er fearful of the financial consequences to him of completing this and when he was expressing those fears forcefully er to Mr .
3 He walked slowly over to her , his jacket slung over his shoulder , his briefcase in his hand , and when he was towering over her she found it difficult to maintain her attitude .
4 He hated verbal theories , he did n't read much , he 'd never travelled outside the states , he punched people up , and when he was drunk at parties he pissed into the fireplace .
5 His case was a strong one and when he was prosecuted for criminal libel in 1913 he won a moral , if not a legal victory , avoiding the expected prison sentence .
6 To him , perplexity was worse than danger ; and when he was perplexed he usually grew angry .
7 Hammond was outstanding in goal and when he was beaten , there was always Captain Cool ; Colin Calderwood .
8 ‘ He was such a vital force in my life , and when he was gone , he took so much of me with him .
9 He had been a sub-editor in those days , working for a huge magazine corporation , and they had struck up an instant rapport , and when he was made first assistant editor and then editor , always moving from magazine to magazine , he had pushed work her way whenever he could .
10 ‘ Using a pilot device , police recorded his speed as 99.04 miles per hour and when he was stopped he replied : ‘ I 'm in a hurry , my girlfriend is pregnant ’ , ’ said Mr Fenn .
11 He reached for the telephone and when he was connected spoke down it briskly in German .
12 And when he was recovering from his sickness here in my house , I noticed how similar he looked to the girl 's face in the picture .
13 He used the complete gamut of his voice , from a growl like a dog warning its master that it has a sore foot to a high , exalted monotone which he kept for perorations ; and when he was using the words of an Old Testament lament , Isaiah or Zephaniah , to make a piteous effect , he had been known to put his head back and yowl like a tom-cat .
14 The William Roberts Action group had a meeting with Norman Wilkinson ( Director of Sports and Leisure ) on May 19 and when he was asked if there was any money in the budget for a new pool he said that there was not .
15 Nails , getting the taste of it , stopped being terrified and began to keep his eyes open long enough to judge the thoroughbred 's stride as he approached a jump and to know when he was going to stand off and when he was going to put a quick one in .
16 And when he was finished with him there would be nothing left .
17 Bobby Vinton 's ‘ Blue Velvet ’ is this week 's network chart number one ; he has n't had a hit since the nineteen sixties , and when he was told of his success in America , he thought he 'd been made the victim of a Jeremy Beadle style prank .
18 Getting him to bed in the evening was almost impossible , and when he was forced to do something he did not want to do he could throw violent tantrums .
19 And when he was drawn , it was usually in rage .
20 He took no special notice of her , but she felt welcome , and when he was explaining some method of or reason for the cultivation of certain trees , she sensed he was talking to her as much as to the boys and girls around them .
21 And when he was offered help he said , No , I will do it myself .
22 But when victory gave way to stalemate and defeat , when the king 's early vigour gave way to senility , and when he was succeeded by a king with a very different personality , the limitations of his achievement became all too apparent .
23 He rang the bell and when he was greeted by a rather surly butler he enquired , very politely , if it might be possible for him to speak with the Signora Calvino on a matter of the utmost urgency .
24 He moved across to them , and when he was standing next to André she noticed how much taller and more powerfully built he was .
25 Lineker also reveals his anger when Taylor criticised him after an international against the Republic of Ireland and when he was dropped 24 hours before a friendly with France .
26 The German Commandant had dreamt of a mute Jewish whore and when he was issued one for the duration his cup overflowed .
27 And seeing the multitudes , he went up into a mountain and when he was set , his disciples came unto him .
28 yesterday , and when he was coming home yesterday , he was er , spoken to John on the way to the car
29 Eventually he managed to get away to the continent , and when he was restored to the throne nine years later , the story of the King 's narrow escape seized the public imagination .
30 My brother used to take a comb to school in his sports bag and when he was walking to school he goes
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