Example sentences of "[coord] would need to be " in BNC.

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1 The intonation has been left unadjusted , though , and would need to be set before any serious playing could take place .
2 The debut of a SMP version of NT was , Sequent admits , partly an effort by Microsoft to allay reports that Windows NT would be severely limited in symmetrical multi-processing environments , and would need to be heavily re-architected ( UX No 398 ) .
3 The straight lines on the charts may be over-simplified , therefore , and would need to be treated with some caution .
4 Unravelling such arrangements can often be complicated , and would need to be provided for in the sale and purchase agreement .
5 The SIB cold calling permissions are very complex and would need to be reviewed in detail .
6 All respondents agreed that Personal Search would permeate every aspect of Religious Education in a Catholic school ; they further agreed that appropriate areas of study for the attainment targets in Personal Search were identifiable in current Religious Education programmes but would need to be retextured in terms of exposition and presentation .
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