Example sentences of "[coord] would not [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He knew his mother was dying and he either could n't or would n't go to see her .
2 And they may be torn three ways , between the practical direction they are getting in the school , the advice they are being given in college and by their teaching practice tutor , and their own developing sense of the kind of teacher they would or would not like to become .
3 They knew that if you made schools and universities permanent structures , tooled beautifully in stone and designed in a timeless way to permit the flowering of reflective thought and ancient customs , that society would become attached to them and would n't want to let them go when the cutbacks came .
4 The uniformed copper on the door told me he was only hanging about until he got the word on his ‘ talking brooch ’ radio that the forensic boys had n't forgotten anything and would n't need to come back .
5 ‘ Got my head in a leg-lock and would n't let go .
6 I noticed that she looked a bit unhappy so I went across to her , worried that she might be a bit of a madam and would n't like to associate with the likes of me .
7 and would n't have touched it with a barge pole
8 However Tolkien disobligingly remarked that he had n't read Ariosto and would n't have liked him if he had ( Biography , p. 218 ) , while Spenser exemplified much that he hated ( see pp. 42–3 above ) .
9 You were drunk and would n't have done it otherwise .
10 I 've struggled for most of my career , and would n't have survived without self-belief .
11 But his mother says he loved excitement and would n't have wanted to die any other way .
12 She thought he might have meant a New York accent , but she was from Los Angeles and would n't have tried anyway .
13 I am no molecular biologist , and would n't have dreamed of learning the techniques required to detect the immediate early genes , if it had n't been for the serendipitous arrival in the lab of a young molecular biologist from Moscow , Kostya Anokhin ( grandson of the psychologist and physiologist pupil of Pavlov , Peter Anokhin , whose ‘ functional systems theory ’ I referred to in passing in Chapter 9 ) .
14 In her imagination , the little flat was suddenly peopled with the ghosts of tall , glamorous London women , with names like Wanda and Melissa , who knew when to tip porters and chambermaids and would n't have dreamt of unpacking their own shopping .
15 It 's a different matter , though , when one of the protagonists is somebody we 've very much heard of and would n't mind sitting next to at dinner : a secretary of state , for example , or a dishy actor .
16 So the vote in Banbury was really in some ways quite surprising , but for those of us locally we were quietly confident that the parents would see the commonsense and logic of the argument and would not vote to opt out .
17 But Lugh would rise above it all , and would not bother to listen to complaints about who was getting larger helpings of stew , or who was having the most comfortable sleeping quarters , or even who was getting up a bit later than everyone else .
18 The Queen , I am sure , understands the constitutional position fully and would not contemplate acting other than constitutionally .
19 Much as many Ethiopians fear and loathe the government , they are calling for more political and economic freedom , and would not feel liberated by the TPLF .
20 You only saw the f oh now oh right so , hands up who saw it all the way through and would not want to see it again as part of the seminar .
21 And yet , much as she enjoyed her career and would not want to give it up permanently , she had a great desire for a strong , loving relationship and wanted to have children of her own — something she would never be able to do if her present feelings persisted .
22 She said she could not and would not continue to deal with Mr Sloan .
23 Under the terms of the Honiara accord the rebels were given immunity from prosecution , together with the promises that the government would remove its blockade and would not attempt to re-establish its troops upon the island by force .
24 We have a respectable reputation for producing future chemistry graduates — including Oxford and Cambridge — and would not wish to lose that good name by adopting a ‘ less appropriate ’ A-level chemistry syllabus .
25 The Divisional Court decision has been much criticised ; I agree with the strictures of Spencer Bower , Actionable Defamation ( fully set out in the judgment of Balcombe L.J. ) and would not wish to follow the reasoning of the Divisional Court which , in any event , is not binding upon us .
26 Believe it or not , many nurses enjoy the work and would not wish to change their occupation .
27 That I stress is a preliminary view they could not and would not wish to make a final decision until they have all the information .
28 Miss Linnet Gage , therefore , would not believe and would not wish to believe Cara 's story .
29 I am unable to cope with the idea of being any heavier than I am now , and would not like to have a period , since I would feel I had ‘ let up ’ control over my body .
30 In those days , clergy were still quite powerful figures in the community and would not hesitate to admonish those breaking either the Sabbath or Good Friday .
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