Example sentences of "[coord] say that i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm gon na ring them up and say that I 've found her !
2 And say that I 've busted my bra strap !
3 I would have to go to my constituency and say that I had been outbid by Tory Ministers , and that after complaining for all these years about their accruing power to themselves I had found that I had been wrong all the time .
4 I must be honest and say that I do n't think I 'll ever run that fast .
5 He talks of my ‘ reticence and charm ’ and says that I looked like an ‘ office-worker ’ !
6 Moreover , it would appear that the difference is that the latter sentence expresses my belief that I have the belief that it is raining , and says that I have the belief that it is raining , and does not express the belief that it is raining or say that it is raining .
7 The magazine America had already written about this ; it had published an interview in which I announced that I wanted to hand my collection over to the Tretyakov Gallery as a gift , and saying that I intended to make Lilya curator of the collection .
8 We did get through some pretty hot language , erm he did say that this would destroy the tripartite system and he quoted me and said that I said it was a system which was the end of the world .
9 I got in touch with Bloom and said that I thought the guy had talent and Bloom told me that he was having a wedding anniversary party in Soho , which is in the centre of London , and to give the group £20 and see what he was like .
10 I answered my own question , and said that I thought we must be middle class , and reflected very precisely in that moment on my mother 's black waisted coat with the astrakhan collar , and her high-heeled black suede shoes , her lipstick .
11 I stood in the doorway of the sitting-room and said that I had .
12 ‘ When , some time later , he and I discussed who might take over the responsibility for producing it I rejected the traditional drama types , who did the children 's serials , and said that I wanted somebody , full of vinegar , who 'd be prepared to break rules in doing the show .
13 Chair you will not be surprised to hear me coming yet again to s to raise the point about regeneration in West Yorkshire and to say that I agree with Mr and M Mr but I find myself agreeing also with Mr 's written comments in his paragraph three sixteen where he clearly points to the fact that settlement in this south west quadrant would serve West Yorkshire perhaps more so than N than York .
14 ‘ But one thing I do n't want to happen as time goes by is to sit down and say that I did n't do as well as I might have done in another tournament because I did n't put in enough effort .
15 I have to own up and say that I do n't really like applications wanting to be installed into the Windows directory , but because of the way Windows handles wallpaper bitmaps , there 's little option here — the lot has to go there .
16 Oh I know but saying that I think my kiddies ' school 's all right so I 've got
17 But to say that I have had an experience of God , whom I claim to be a transcendent being outside myself , can not be self-authenticating .
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