Example sentences of "[coord] that [vb mod] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 And that would give you all the information erm on a daily basis which could be referred to erm performance by performance .
2 Er we was on the beach , you know sea front , he 'd er gathered some er brands of seaweed for making what they call Irish moss , Caragium And that would give you a good think emulsion , you see then in the , what was the cod season , cod fishing , you 'd go down to the harbour where the er fishing boat came in and where they were cleaning , and you 'd get the boss would have arranged that you get the cod 's livers .
3 That would cost you a pound and that would give you some cash , and it would also look good , and what is it a pound fifty you 've got to pay ?
4 And that would give you a bit of ready cash , and also it would give you a standing to try and get something from Finance Committee .
5 And that , and that would make you good .
6 But if you were playing with a drummer who liked to give it some wallop , you 'd soon be lost in terms of volume , and that would piss you off a bit .
7 Here are some further areas in which you may well have experience and that would stand you in good stead with a prospective employer .
8 ‘ After the Kentucky Derby , we will make a decision on where he goes , but I 'm a Yankee and that might give you a fair indication of where I 'd like to see him run , ’ he added .
9 So once you get towards , take a clock in , make sure you pace yourself , and say at the end of that just put in a sort of sentence to make it look as if it 's been finished off Erm , what I usually do when I do an exam is I spend the first five minutes actually looking at the questions because initially you look for the ones that you 've revised and you see but there may be others there , there 're you can do in a slightly different way than the way that they first appear and that might help you quite a bit , although there are no trick questions in this .
10 one point five and that 'll give you an answer which you will write down followed by the word million .
11 It costs eighty five p , and you can get it from any of the H M S O — Her Majesty 's Stationery Office — or you could order it , I should think , from most bookshops , and that 'll give you a pretty good overview of what Warnock is trying to do , and then , of course if anybody 's interested enough in comparing that with the Act , you 'll see the kind of things that were in the Warnock Report have n't actually come through in the act .
12 and that 'll do you the world of good .
13 Er and that 'll last you about a year .
14 There we are curly , and that 'll set you out of mischief
15 And that 'll get you your very own personal copy of our Scotland Today Fact Sheet .
16 I know when I was at you just had one thing with a funny flavour and that 'll put you off that thing
17 There you are young Walter , and that 'll keep you for a week .
18 You just get er , er one of them , erm put and that 'll keep you hair moist and put one of them
19 Perhaps you feel that you are not as extreme as either of them , and that may reassure you .
20 erm and er then you know you 'll , you 'll have a bit more of a , a shopping list as it were , and , and that may help you to erm actually define where you want to go within this huge range of of er you know possibilities .
21 And that will bring you back . ’
22 So do n't forget the one thousand who do n't think any of them are a good team , add all those up and that will give you a fourth equation .
23 You will at least be able to group together those substitution items which have the same tone patterns , and that will give you material to practise .
24 Sam and I can amuse ourselves on the Sunday , and that will give you the opportunity to take Anna to the Forest . ’
25 While and that will give you a chance .
26 It is as applicable to the running of the parish council as it is to the leadership of IBM and I hope that you find in this book something , even if only one thing , that you can apply and that will help you gain the results you seek .
27 Talk about your feelings with them and that will help you decide if you 're going to need some professional help to come through this experience which is very common and in which you can be helped , no matter what you may feel at the time .
28 The county bird club will probably produce an annual report — ask at the library or contact the RSPB regional office — and that will help you to find out where to go to see birds , which is one of the most difficult things to discover without something or someone to point you , literally , in the right direction .
29 But do n't remem do n't forget that you 've each got an allowance of five thousand eight hundred , so something jointly owned , you 've actually got a double allowance , and you get that allowance year , so if you 've got say an er a liability for shares of ten thousand pounds , let's say , that 's your capital gains calculated liability , you can do five thousand in the first year , and five thousand in the second year , and that will keep you below your capital gains tax allowance .
30 Right , so what we 're going to do is create a dummy variable to test that hypothesis , right , so if you press the escape key , right , and work your way back towards erm the data processing sort of environment , so go back to the post regression menu through the backtracking menu erm , when you 're in the backtracking menu , go to option six , which is the process plot edit option right , now press the return key in the data processing menu , right , and that will get you to the data processing environment when we can start messing about with our variables .
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