Example sentences of "[coord] that would n't be " in BNC.

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1 But you know I still think that I 'm drawn towards that sort of teaching , performing that kind of role erm and that would n't be fulfilled by librarianship at all .
2 She , Claudia , would have to try to pick up the pieces , and that would n't be easy .
3 She kept her eyes lowered when Feargal stood to speak , because if he glanced at her , and she saw contempt in his eyes , she would probably lose her temper , and that would n't be fair , not on Terry 's day .
4 And that would n't be the case er with er with some of the er with with the option that 's being put forward .
5 ‘ But then there 'd be a lot of tyres lying round the place and that would n't be very nice , would it . ’
6 And that would n't be cold would it ?
7 I would say I drifted into it , but that would n't be true .
8 It 's tempting to say that the bigger model was just more of the same , with added reverb , but that would n't be true .
9 She probably did tell him to go away and stop following her around , but that would n't be a reason for him screaming he 'd kill her . ’
10 You could , of course , reply , " Nonsense , there are no such things as magic spades " ( and I 've been tempted often enough ) ; but that would n't be very supportive , and there 's a good chance that the child who offers the spade is doing so in good faith .
11 Mind you ca n't mana well I suppose you could manage without it but that would n't be so easy would it ?
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