Example sentences of "[coord] [Wh pn] [verb] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't think anyone , who either has children or who does n't want them , can understand the state of mind of people who do want them .
2 Apparently , anyone who is not a teacher or who does not work for the council should not be allowed to undertake an inspection .
3 Ever-improving standards of production and design ( hear Arnold Bennett in 1921 complaining that ‘ operatic mismanagers are obsessed with the music and they leave everything else to people who are either dead and have forgotten to get themselves buried or who do n't know the elements of their job ’ ) .
4 After all , amongst the girls who do not obtain the top 16+ grades , or who do not go on to do A level mathematics , are some very able pupils .
5 Many barristers who fail in practice , or who do not find it congenial , obtain employment in salaried posts , as will be explained later .
6 This category from the 1981 census has proved an excellent indicator , because it largely identifies young , single people living in multi-occupied houses who either can not or do not cook , or who do not have regular access to a kitchen .
7 In addition no child would be admitted at 11 unless his parents undertook to keep him at school until 18 ( though presumably the schools would have the right to throw out children who proved unsuitable , or who did not do enough work ) .
8 This is also the only way for motorists who have been refused permission at Killilan to use the private road , or who did n't like to ask , and are fit enough to do eight miles there and back on foot .
9 ‘ The major effect would be to make those works , which are already the most difficult to sell , works by younger artists who are not well-known or who have not established themselves , even more difficult to sell .
10 Well Notts went wide of the target on eight minutes , it was er all really set up by Gary with a little header down to Paul , inside right channel , lobbed it on to , the defence was wide open and who had n't scored this season got the very goal that he 's been wanting to score to add to his match winning performance on Saturday , when he was made the patrons ' player of the match and er he thumped the ball in the net , it was quite a blistering effort and Notts should 've settled down on that and certainly should 've settled down on twenty one .
11 It 's a handy program for anyone who needs to send a large variety of business letters and who does n't want to faff about thinking of the right thing to say .
12 I 've been so hoping you would soon be ready to join Brownies , but how can I pass over to a Brownie Guider a girl who wo n't lend a hand without being given something first and who does n't know the first thing about being obedient ? ’
13 ‘ Visits by our officers can result either from the use of detector vans or follow-ups from computer records of who has and who does n't have a TV licence . ’
14 He would prefer us to be in the position of the person who learns to trust that a friend has posted a letter , and who does not go out to be certain that the letter has found its destination , a search that in fact would portray not faith , but a lack of faith .
15 where goods are so ] d by a person who is not their owner , and who does not sell them under the authority or with the consent of the owner , the buyer acquires no better title to the goods than the seller had , unless the owner of the goods is by his conduct precluded from denying the seller 's authority to sell . ’
16 I feel genuinely hostile to an undergraduate ( supposedly one of the best educated people in the country ) who writes asking for sponsorship for some project and who does not know how to begin or end his letter or how to spell the name of the person to whom he is appealing .
17 To qualify , you must be a practitioner ( or a group of practitioners ) working in education ( in Scotland ) whose normal job does not include doing research and who does not have the support available to those doing research as part of a degree or diploma .
18 And who has not felt the strength that love of the world
19 And who has not zipped past one of the BSM Mini Metros and fondly recalled their own experience of chronic problems with clutch control , seven point turns and botched emergency stops ?
20 A nut-brown man by South Kensington standards , he is light-skinned in the West Indies : he is a Chinese Negro , who thinks of himself as a hakwai Chinee — hakwai , he explains , being ‘ Chinese for nigger ’ — and who has not failed to notice that Emily Brontë 's Heathcliff is rumoured to be the Emperor of China .
21 A rehabilitated person is one who has been convicted of and sentenced for an offence or offences and who has not committed a further offence or offences during the appropriate rehabilitation period and that period has expired .
22 Letting someone who is hungry and overweight , and who has n't eaten for six hours , loose in a supermarket should be a criminal offence !
23 It was quite a car and who has n't dreamed of being a repo man ?
24 In fact , I do n't know an actor who was n't actually brought up in LA and who has n't spent a few nights on the beach .
25 But they also dislike those who were born into the same station in life , or further down , and who have n't risen as far as they have .
26 There may be extra help for some people who were not ratepayers , or the partner of a ratepayer , immediately before the community charge system started in April 1990 and who have not moved since then .
27 One of the initiatives is to encourage more teacher placements in industry , so that those in education who have gone from school to college and back to school as teachers and who have not experienced life in industry or commerce can be exposed to it , the better to assist their pupils in preparing for a working career .
28 The Student System II Developing Tank , from the Paterson Photax Group , is an entry level tank aimed at those who are starting out in darkroom work and who do n't want to spend a fortune on equipment .
29 ‘ I can think of at least three professional women who are my patients and who do n't want to near the ‘ natural is wonderful ’ message preached by the NCT .
30 There are managers who are not highly literate in any case and who do n't know how to put a report together .
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