Example sentences of "[coord] [ex0] [is] not [adv] " in BNC.

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1 — ‘ And there 's not too many of them about , ’ Marie had thought , at the time .
2 If it 's breaking down lots of food , a really heavy meal , then it 's actually maybe making such a big demand on the oxygen level in your bloodstream that your oxygen level in your bloodstream drops and there 's not enough to go round the muscles to make to break up any lactic acid that 's being formed .
3 We 've counted up all the matter we can see , and there 's not enough — only about one tenth what is needed to close the Universe . ’
4 However , the price is a little too expensive compared to the best similar games on the Amiga and there 's not enough in it to compete with the likes of Sega games .
5 And there 's not only E M I , there 's a vast number of 'em .
6 Right , and there 's not really enough !
7 In fact most of the pressures the wildlife face are actually out at sea and there 's not really all that much we can do when that 's the case .
8 We have thousands of people in Britain who have lost their jobs and homes and there is n't even a war raging here .
9 And there is n't even a sunset yet , ’ she husked desperately as the fire of his body and his need for her swelled and swelled within her till she was writhing with sweet ecstasy beneath him on the dry , dusty cliff-top .
10 the computer says there was some and there is n't any .
11 On the other hand it has to be said that the er publicity for that does not seem to have penetrated very far amongst foreign visitors and there is n't very much evidence that foreign visitors have been put off coming here in spite of the considerable number of incidents that there have been in this country , particularly in London of course in the last year or so .
12 Er one wonders how on earth they speak to each other , or if indeed they even know who each other is or where their offices are and there is n't that personal relationship that one might expect to find in the normal concept of a legal firm and indeed er without clearly we go to off the point somewhat to have a discussion as to whether or not er a partnership is a suitable legal entity for these people to trade under .
13 Moorings are often filthy and there is n't always someone to hand them over when you moor stern-on .
14 My two brothers have worked for my father all their lives and there is n't really enough for the three of us to do .
15 And there is n't really an answer , this is just an assumption that it was .
16 er and that agreement is to look after the spouse , there is never and there has never been in our law , and there is n't now , a clean break as far as children are concerned .
17 Here we have left the Highlands behind and there is not even a single Munro to look at and admire .
18 We are born with all the potentiality for intelligence we are ever going to have , and there is not all that much we can do except to achieve as much of that potential as the world and its intelligence experts will permit us .
19 For the most part , a node is a staging post area , collecting energy during daylight , and passing it on to other parts of the plant during darkness , when the elaboration stops , and there is not so much traffic on the stem main road .
20 Before I came to prison I thought I was introspective but ten minutes here and there is not enough to answer some of these questions
21 The list of possible traits is very long and there is not always agreement on the most important trait .
22 I just want to block this whole day out , but there is n't even anywhere for me to sleep .
23 I brought them down here but there is n't anywhere to put them .
24 ‘ Everybody says they see the Opera ghost , but there is n't really a ghost .
25 But there is n't really any choice , ’ said Fenella , firmly , and turned to the ornate silver door at the far end of the room .
26 but there is n't now is there it just comes splashing out .
27 But there is n't now a Ga a provost in Gala ?
28 Pop culture acknowledges the sign of ‘ gayness ’ , but there is not yet a whisper of female sexual autonomy , of lesbianism . ’
29 There may be badly thought out things , but there is not just clumsy stuff , but there is also is n't any wild card .
30 In matrilineal societies , the father is missing as an important social figure , but there is not always a totemic system operating .
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