Example sentences of "[coord] [am/are] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They may not , for instance , be prepared to risk having any kind of emotional engagement ( I recently worked with a group of headteachers for whom this seemed to be a problem ) ; or they may not trust each other or the teacher ; or the ‘ hidden curriculum , of the group 's own dynamics may cut across the drama 's requirements ( for instance if the strong natural leader within the group is not given her usual leadership function within the fiction ) ; or the group may concentrate too hard on preparing material for ‘ showing ’ so that they miss out almost entirely on ‘ playing the drama game ’ ; or they may dislike drama or really want to perform a play or are simply not in the mood to submit to the experience .
2 I believe it 's actually a better publication than the Munros book , and if like me , you 've just finished the Munros , or are just about to ‘ compleat ’ , then this new book will have your mouth watering for the new challenge ahead .
3 This is certainly possible , but we do have some theoretical reasons for believing that we have , or are very near to , a knowledge of the ultimate building blocks of nature .
4 The costs of voice ( participation ) are high , and are normally only worth incurring if the supply of a particular good is controlled by a single organization and the leadership is incompetent .
5 A practical lexicographer , however , would probably draw his line in a different place from ours : he might well argue that phrases such as fish and chips , bread and butter , etc. , while undoubtedly slightly opaque in the technical sense , present few problems of interpretation to speakers familiar with the normal constituent meanings of the parts , and are thus not worth listing .
6 1064 and are thus strictly outside the class of documents attracting public interest immunity as decided in Neilson v. Laugharne [ 1981 ] Q.B .
7 A particular feature of such a view of what is just is that any attempt to translate it into practice must begin by favouring the weakest and the least advantaged , since these are the people least likely to have the opportunity to enjoy an equal share of what we have , and are thus most in need of help .
8 They move out , quickly consume what they need and are soon back below ground with the minimum of delay .
9 MOST BOOKS on branch lines record enterprises that have not stood the test of time and are no longer with us .
10 Like the majority of d-i-y models , it has an 82mm planing width , and a maximum cutting depth of 0.5mm. larger capacity machines which take off as much as 3mm per pass are more expensive , and are only really worth the money if you are a professional .
11 At the same time levels of public expenditure on the railways have been declining steadily over the past few years in the run-up to an expected privatisation and are now well below those of Britain 's Continental neighbours .
12 People think that because you have sold millions of records and are now also in films that you are part of this movement ; which is why it would be helpful to discuss in a little detail what your work really involves .
13 Since this release the Toms have followed up with the equally impressive ‘ Ruff Disco EP ’ from Nature Boy and are now up to a healthy six releases .
14 The acceleration of the income tax liability may prove to be particularly serious in the context of firms which reached a peak income in the boom year of 1988 , slipped back in the two subsequent years and are now again on a rising profit curve .
15 Following intensive work over the past 2/3 years , standards for ‘ Coaching , teaching and instructing ’ within the Industry Lead Body for Sport and Recreation have been produced , and are now out for consultation .
16 There is general agreement that Chlamydia trachomatis is the pathogen responsible for a high percentage of cases of NSU , but the best isolation rates still remain below 70 per cent of cases and are more usually in the region of 40 to 50 per cent .
17 A spokesman for XL Recordings , whose acts include SL2 and the Prodigy , says : ‘ The county 's bands instigated the hard-core dance movement and are still out in front . ’
18 London Scottish top the table with 16 points , with West in second spot with 14 and Newcastle third on 12 , level with Sale , who have played a game less than the top three and are still in with a very good chance of snatching one of the two promotion slots .
19 ( 1982 , 1986 ) , in an extremely thorough investigation of the relative positions of young workers in contrasting local labour markets , define a number of different recruitment strategies in which qualifications vary in significance , are used in different ways and are almost invariably of secondary importance relative to other factors .
20 These are 30 ’ x 21 ’ and are much less about recording a particular view and more about trying to come to terms with the atmosphere and structure of the place .
21 Pictures of the chairman ten years ago or the old plant before the renovations are only of interest for the company history and are definitely not for current use .
22 Since substitution and ellipsis are purely grammatical relations which hold between linguistic forms rather than between linguistic forms and their meanings , the details are highly language-specific and are therefore not worth going into here .
23 Films are expensive to produce and update , and are therefore only within the range of the large commercial systems operators or database producers .
24 But I feel that I am now in the way of bringing him to me since I have a house and am no longer in service and need only to arrange to have him brought over .
25 Other things did exist but are no longer with us .
26 Charges made for programs vary but are generally well below retail costs .
27 Women can certainly be competitive as individuals , but are less so at the group level ; many of us who went to all-girls ' schools found the competitive team sports at worst a real trial and at best something of a joke , even though we were quite prepared to put ourselves out in an individual context .
28 Ranges of imagery such as that of the plough may be symbolic , but are only so in a particular type of fabliau symbolism : disgraceful or phallic in their symbolic reference in a manner that is the very antitype of Christian moralization .
29 Similarly a chorus of cavaliers , referring to ‘ corni e tamburi , e trombe ’ , has instrumental parts which could be for actual trumpets and drums but are more probably for strings imitating them , since in Act II when Chiron is supposed to play his lyre the music consists of a sinfonia di viole , and the passata dell'armata which ends the First Act of Didone ( 1641 ) and another chiamata alla caccia in the Third are equally ambiguous .
30 For instance , low-level objects can be dangerous for any pupil , but are especially so for one with little or no sight .
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