Example sentences of "[coord] [Wh det] [be] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Age had given Norman Lamont a faintly oriental look ; the sound had been turned off , but it was plain from the speaker 's gestures that jam , or whatever was its Japanese equivalent , if it were not on today 's bill of fare , was certainly expected to be on the morrow 's .
2 This is the Chinese name by which I have been known ever since and which is my personal ‘ chop ’ .
3 We turn now to a type of power that is more specifically an attribute of large companies , and which is our central concern .
4 It should come as no surprise then , that some of those who see bolting as fundamentally reducing the experience I 've outlined above , and which is our common heritage , should cast around for some solid arguments to counter its spread .
5 1 For each person decide what are their strong points and what are their weak points as members of the Island Survival team .
6 Whom am I persuading , and what are their various needs and values ?
7 ’ . What do you think the function of these words is and what are their English equivalents ?
8 and what are your this and what are your that .
9 and what are your this and what are your that .
10 And what 's your next
11 And what 's your favourite toy at home ?
12 And what 's your favourite red meat ?
13 And what 's your favourite film ?
14 And what 's your favourite male ?
15 And what 's your particular line ?
16 But apart from basic maintenance like turning mattresses regularly — every three months , experts recommend — what should a hotelier look for in a good quality hotel bed and what is its average life expectancy ?
17 and what is your present position now in terms of ?
18 In nineteen hundred and twelve the Dutch came and the Oxford Motor Club entertained them and we went all round the High Wycome area , Cophill and that on hill climbs , so we re-enacted it last year and I was riding my nineteen fourteen motorcycle , and I was asked — I was the oldest rider — how old are you ? — I said eighty years old — and what is your biggest difficulty ? — and I said getting my leg over , which I really literally meant because the saddle 's very high and I do have a job getting my leg over the saddle !
19 Is not that regulatory nonsense , and what is my hon. Friend going to do about it ?
20 When the going is rough , it 's essential that we all understand where we fit in and what is our special contribution .
21 And what were your ideal car ?
22 And what were my wonderful talents , that I should have felt it mattered that they were ‘ wasted ’ ?
23 And what was your first memory of going to school ?
24 But what are their moral implications , if any ?
25 but what are their key tasks , what are the things they 're actually paid to do ?
26 The gadgetry is impressive but what are its human applications ?
27 But what are my real purposes ?
28 But what 's their real function in Britain today ?
29 But what 's my first car gon na be ?
30 " Forgive my asking , Mr. Lennis , but what is your own background ?
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