Example sentences of "[coord] [Wh det] [pron] is [be] " in BNC.

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1 So my suggestion and this is only a suggestion , the beards which in the past have been interpreted as a kind of erm epigrammatic signal , in other words a kind of erm sign on the face of the male as they 're deceived , my guess is that , th that beards may actually have evolved to protect the throat because erm the critical thing in , in killing somebody is to block the , the windpipe and that 's and in fact even , even lions do this , you saw in the film when a lion kills an antelope or something , he does n't go to all the trouble of making horrible gashes , he grabs the , the windpipe and holds on until the antelope or whatever it is is just er
2 All you got ta do , you got ta get from there to there to there and the one who gets there and gets a hundred thousand or whatever it is in n it ?
3 For this there is little evidence , and what there is is all rather late : a text from Paul 's sententiae , one from Ulpian 's Epitome , and a constitution of Diocletian .
4 Now you 'll be doing this before Christmas , and what it is is there , there are lots of different categories we can use but the standard one is dividing the population into six distinct categories .
5 Well we , if , this only happens if we wish them to vacate the site , and what it is is to jump to a suitable
6 So what we have done is we have started something called Sailathon which is a word that Bugs made up erm and what it is is it 's , it 's an attempt to get yacht clubs , sailing clubs all round the country to do something themselves for the Sea Mission Foundation .
7 Now these houses were of the kind that when you walk in through the door at the front you go into a l sitting room , through the next door is what can be a kitchen cum living room , and the staircase is n't immediately obvious but what it is is it 's a door that looks like a cupboard .
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