Example sentences of "[coord] [Wh det] [verb] [is] that " in BNC.

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1 And what happens is that if an embryo has the single gene for being male , it happens to have a white chromosome not surprisingly , it turns on thousands of other genes that then make the embryo into a male , but , but that single gene has to be there to act as a switch and that 's that gene is also present in alligators and crocodiles so the point I 'm making is it is just wrong to say that , that all these discoveries about genetics cut no ice with human evolution , because human things can not be influenced by single genes .
2 And what happens is that females , females have pouches that produce eggs but they only hold a small , they only hold a small volume .
3 I 'm sure a lot of Councillors were gob-smacked , and what happened is that Councillors were caught on the hop .
4 Whether this ethic is actually held by the individual peasants concerned is irrelevant ; presumably they would be unable to specify the grounds for their own actions in this way , but what matters is that their behaviour actually appears to follow this rule , and this has to be sufficient explanation .
5 I would imagine the plaster wall have to be replaced cos there 's a lot of work that needs to be done on t we 've already had to deal with the plastering once , in fact we would n't have noticed cos we had n't seen it before but what happened is that the the frame of the hall particularly shrank so that we had gaps in between where the plastering was and where the wood was and we had to have a couple of men that we used for this , erm come in with lime plaster and fill in all the cracks for a week or two .
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