Example sentences of "[coord] [that] they [modal v] be " in BNC.

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1 This encouraged the growth of a clearly defined body of hereditary peers , for it eliminated the risks that an earldom would pass into other hands by marriage , that the lands would become separate from the title , or that they would be divided up amongst coheiresses .
2 Yet this did not mean that the natives were aware that Russia had ‘ owned ’ the region from ancient times , or that they would be prepared to agree to this state of affairs .
3 Moreover , to say that a set of activities and skills partakes of the general discipline of librarianship is not the same thing as saying that all people who have ever been trained as librarians can perform them , or that they must be performed by people whose training is only that of the professional librarian .
4 Is the Minister satisfied that those humanitarian needs have been met and are being met , or that they can be met so long as there is a risk to the Kurdish population from the evil dictator in Baghdad ?
5 The Tory party 's working party on local government — including Bearsden and Milngavie district council , one of the three Tory district councils — proposes that education , social work , housing , the police , fire , water , sewerage and strategic planning should be removed from local government and transferred either to the Secretary of State or to local prosperous companies , or that they should be privatised .
6 This did not , however , mean that nationality matters were free of problems , or that they could be isolated from real life with its diversity and difficulties .
7 ‘ The principle that a defendant must take the plaintiff as he finds him involves that if a wrongdoer ought reasonably to foresee that as a result of his wrongful act the victim might require medical treatment he is , subject to the principle of novus actus interveniens , liable for the consequences of the treatment applied although he could not reasonably foresee those consequences or that they could be serious . ’
8 In calling these examples ‘ routine ’ , I do not mean to deny their importance to the receiver , nor that they may be very demanding for the giver .
9 This is not to deny that the ending of a marriage through death , and through divorce , are in many ways very different experiences , nor that they may be handled differently in families , but the point here is that the idea that kin groups used to be much more stable over time than they are today has to be modified by historical evidence .
10 It was not , save by a few visionaries , supposed that these secondary schools should be provided for everybody , nor that they should be free .
11 Although there is evidence that those who choose to learn sign language after the age of 30 years will not reach the level of understanding of those who begin earlier ; and although there is a declining performance as the age of sign language learning increases , it does not mean that all those over the age of 30 years can not learn BSL , nor that they will be unable to communicate .
12 It is beyond doubt , he argues , and most psychologists and ethologists would agree , ‘ that animals act for the sake of goals , and that they may be conscious of their goals , in the quite literal sense that they may see or smell what they are after ’ ( 1975 : 19 ) .
13 The recognition that children have their own ideas about phenomena , and that they may be very different from their teacher 's ideas , has important implications for teaching and learning .
14 This is in the hope that they will become clearer to those who work within the industry , and that they may be recognized as a distinct discipline by academic and practising lawyers alike .
15 We ask , Lord , that they may have the grace and humility which their work requires , and that they may be able to walk closely with you , day by day .
16 In the letter to patients the doctors write : ‘ It is our belief that health boards and fund holding general practitioners will find that they are , like anyone else in the health service , short of money and that they may be reluctant to purchase [ these services ] on behalf of their patients . ’
17 But experts warned computer users that Friday 13th viruses are only a tiny proportion of the 30 or so known types of virus which exist , and that they would be wise to keep taking precautions .
18 This leads on to the third scenario , that decisions would be taken in economic and other fields at Community level , and that they would be submitted to the scrutiny of the European Parliament .
19 He agreed the figures were wrong and that they would be amended .
20 It was argued on behalf of the shareholders that the Directive was intended to protect all investors and that they would be prejudiced if they were not notified in advance of the intended cancellation of Titaghur 's public listing .
21 Just shared relief that their relatives in Iran would be left in peace and that they would be allowed to resume their studies .
22 On March 2nd 1872 , a letter came from the Mayor saying that the Corporation 's building would be ready in a few days and that they would be willing to receive patients under ‘ such arrangements as may be deemed best adapted to check the progress of the epidemic ’ .
23 Papers ( 1834 ) xxvi 9 , that they would in future allow a person refused admission to appeal to the judges and that they would be bound by their decision : see Holdsworth 's History of English Law , vol .
24 ‘ But I knew in my heart that I would have no chance against them and that they would be merciless .
25 Nicole looked quite thrilled to have been asked the question , and she haltingly explained that her son was at a party and that they would be collecting him later that morning .
26 Nine indicated that they were planning either to introduce or change SCOTVEC awards during the lifetime of the project and that they would be happy to permit SCOTVEC officers to observe their various internal quality assurance procedures as part of the pilot .
27 On March 21 Collor warned employers who dismissed workers that their books would be subject to " hostile inspection " and that they would be considered " unpatriotic " and guilty of " sabotaging " the economic programme .
28 The first FMLN announcement stated that one of the advisers had died instantly and the others within minutes from their injuries ; however , a further statement on Jan. 9 noted that two members of the unit which brought down the helicopter had been arrested on charges of murdering wounded prisoners of war , and that they would be dealt with according to " war justice " if found guilty .
29 In February 1989 the proposed new terms and conditions were outlined by letter to staff and , after subsequent fruitless negotiations with the unions , in April 1989 a notice was sent informing the employees that the changes would be discussed with them , that they would be given a reasonable time to consider the new contracts and that they would be dismissed if they did not accept them .
30 He explained to us , through Wong , that the participants on the course at Peking would be teachers from various Institutes and Universities in Peking , that there were 27 of them , and that they would be divided into two groups , to whom we would each ‘ lecture ’ alternately every morning .
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