Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [that] [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 Or thought that he did .
2 He had seen its lines in the spectrum , and realized that they did not correspond to any known substance .
3 ( aside ; a ‘ little lad ’ of 18 ) once studies HAMLET in the course of A level lit. and realised that they did n't have pencils in those days — he remains confused ! ) .
4 She closed her eyes and found that she did n't have the energy to open them again .
5 I have always used a magnetic board and marker to follow the chart and found that I did n't even have to look away from it whilst punching , thus speeding up the whole process considerably .
6 Anthropologists , following Evans-Pritchard 's lead , have reacted against this way of seeing primitive , or non-literate , peoples , and maintained that they do not act as they do for the same reasons that neurotics act in Western society .
7 But mainly because he did n't like the place and believed that he did n't like Italians .
8 Walesa described Tyminski 's success as " an accident of Polish democracy " and claimed that he did not know enough about Poland to govern the country .
9 Through the long slow hours of darkness he saw her lovely face and forgot that she did not love him .
10 The European Court overrode Italian civil law and stated that it did not consider these posts to be in the public service .
11 It did n't help that I had to call my father ‘ uncle ’ and Eric and Paul ‘ cousins ’ ; this was my father 's idea of trying to fool the policeman about my parentage in case Diggs did any asking around and discovered that I did n't exist officially .
12 All that happens right the the other knight er is and the green knight ran off and discovered that he did n't , you know the rest .
13 He was so distressed and shocked that he did n't play in the first two Tests , batted himself at No. 8 in the third and fourth matches , and withdrew from the fifth .
14 And Gaily took her quick reply for unwillingness , too , and decided that they did not know one another well enough yet to ask such questions , such casual , family questions , as between friends .
15 The doctors diagnosed that he had probably had a left-sided embolic stroke , and decided that he did not need surgery , so he was treated on the medical ward , where he remained for about seven months .
16 However prior to taking delivery of the goods the customer changed his mind and decided that he did not want the goods after all .
17 Tonight from his office in Abingdon Mr Kennedy said he was horrified by the penalty and insisted that he did n't even known the case was on .
18 Emmie looked at the small , waxy face and felt that she did not know her grandmother any more .
19 I found the format patronising and alienating , and felt that I did not belong .
20 I looked at his face , which was something I did seldom , for I did n't like it , and saw that he did n't believe me ; that he found it inconceivable that I should n't love him ; that , ageing and unmarried though he was , he believed himself to be irresistible .
21 She glanced at him quickly and saw that he did indeed look tired .
22 Nothing was omitted , no aspect of her being was not party to this miraculous moment of ultimate sharing , and in the final vibration of the after-shock set up by the last incredible convulsion of ecstasy , she heard Luke gasping her name and understood that she did n't hate him and never had .
23 Replying formally on April 5 , the Supreme Council repeated the call for immediate negotiations , but in conciliatory statements it acknowledged the Soviet leadership 's concern at events in Lithuania , and stressed that it did not seek to sever economic relations and " cultural and human ties " with the Soviet Union .
24 It is a threat because the Government have sat back willingly and said that they do not care if another 30 million tonnes of coal is taken out of the take and if there are to be gas-fired power stations .
25 Meanwhile Sawyer announced the appointment of six Cabinet ministers to his interim administration and said that it did not intend to stay in power for more than a year .
26 My mum wrote back and said that she did n't have that kind of money .
27 He followed me , almost in tears himself , and said that he did n't give a damn for his bloody socks .
28 He was informed of his rights after arrest and said that he did not want a solicitor .
29 He did refer to the fact that , if the trial proceeded , witnesses would be giving evidence about things that had occurred a long time ago and said that he did ‘ not think that is a position which is salvaged or saved by reason of the fact that there are in being notebooks , that there are in being witness statements . ’
30 The MDP leader , Erdenijn Bat-Uul , gave a press conference on Aug. 6 at which he expressed satisfaction with the election results and said that he did not exclude the possibility of the MDP 's participation in a coalition government .
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