Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [adv] into a " in BNC.

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1 Mounted knights struggled across two abreast , and plunged immediately into a marsh .
2 To Grasmere , then , they had come in their own kind of innocence and plunged straight into a storm .
3 We signed another form , paid another , smaller deposit , and checked right into a motel in Santa Barbara for a long rest .
4 They signed up for the same courses and joined the same societies ; they sat together in seminars and went together to the National Film Theatre ; they had sex together and moved together into a one-roomed flat in their second year .
5 Athelstan needed no second bidding and sank gratefully into a chair , accepting the meat pastry , mince tart and cup of cold wine that Lady Maude pushed before him .
6 A LORRY veered off a road and crashed straight into a bathroom where 19-year-old sales assistant Joanna Betts had just stepped out of the shower .
7 When a policewoman got out of the vehicle he rammed it and drove straight into a wall which was demolished .
8 Proud as a Masai tribeswoman , I glided back to where my car was n't and turned instantly into a small , twisted , carrot-topped fishwife .
9 Gradually the downward thrust of his naked loins became more urgent and uncontrolled , and in a final moment of spasm , his features spread and widened suddenly into a flattened mask .
10 All except one , who had worked herself up into such a frenzy of excitement , that she became quite terrified and galloped straight into a fence — which fortunately was made of pine rails that collapsed harmlessly under the assault .
11 Under Allen 's guidance she climbed on to an oak that grew by the ford , clambered along a branch , and swung easily into a chestnut .
12 He skirted a small lake and walked straight into a patch of quicksand He was up to his shins before he realised what had happened .
13 A convicted robber has come out of prison on parole … and walked straight into a job as a professional actor .
14 Meanwhile , on the Continent , the modern movement was on its way to creating houses that abandoned period styles and traditional materials and forged ahead into a scientific age .
15 The affected fish should be double-bagged ( with oxygen if possible , failing which , blow up the air-space with an airpump ) , and packed securely into a polystyrene box for what will , hopefully , be a short journey .
16 One walked straight towards me , lurching , with his head tilted , as if in a dream , and fell straight into a deep crater .
17 With that stupid feeling of relief you get when you 're home , I pushed open the door , tripped over what felt like a set of billiard balls and fell headlong into a carefully arranged selection of this week 's vegetables .
18 The guard turned away from the car and spoke softly into a two-way radio .
19 The assistant would write the bill , get it countersigned , take the money and put both into a small wooden cup which was then put into a socket on the overhead line .
20 By now , other men with microphones were moving among the audience , and so many people were shouting to be heard that George could no longer identify individual speakers as words overleaped one another and blended together into a great cry of confused and frightened protest .
21 On one occasion , we took fright at a cement mixer and ran backwards into a passing bus on a particularly busy road .
22 He thought for a second about the Brigadier 's last biased pronouncement , found himself immediately incensed , and launched impetuously into a passionate rebuttal .
23 A heron rose from the river and flapped away into a clump of tall trees in the distance .
24 Rennet is added too , which makes the milk clot and set firmly into a junket .
25 With two drama/percussionists and a saxophonist — composer Steve Blake — the Victims of Death band creates a relentless musical background that sends the dancers rushing across the stage in the opening section of Precious , an endless succession of attract/repel contacts , with walks , runs and jumps , not dance steps per se , but crafted seamlessly into a totally interactive structure .
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