Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [prep] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The only member of the squad who could ; the others hammered or pecked with two fingers , swore picturesquely , and reached for the erasing fluid .
2 The second rotary pot marked ‘ Vernier ’ allows the frequency of the note to be raised or lowered from A-440 concert pitch .
3 That great insight — lost or rejected throughout 2000 years of western history , save for its occasional stirring in the minds of rare individuals uncrippled by centuries of projected dogma — became the touchstone of eastern philosophy .
4 Thus , making use of the abbreviation dB for decibel , when , for example , the power is said to be modified by and when , the modification of power is described as An alternative expression of the power change in these two cases would be that the power is reduced or attenuated by +20 dB and +6 dB respectively .
5 The characterizations consisted of being rolled up into a sphere by Willie , or swung by one arm , or aimed at a dartboard while wearing a trick suction device on his head .
6 Ben Gunn got a thousand pounds which he spent or lost in three weeks , then he came begging and was given a job as a gatekeeper .
7 Each of the PCR products was sequenced either directly with specific oligonucleotides as sequencing primers using 32 P-dATP or subcloned into pCR-1000 vector ( Invitrogen ) and the plasmid DNA containing the different inserts from each of the PCR analysis were sequenced using M13 forward and reverse primers or specific primers as described above .
8 Scuffles broke out everywhere as our officers came out of hiding and pounced on six members of the gang who bolted into the woods and sand dunes around the bay before being rounded up with the assistance of police dogs .
9 Late complications were of much greater concern and arose in eight patients ( 20% ) at a median of 3.3 months ( range 0.25–12 ) from the initial insertion .
10 Then he put his feet up on the bench and snored for ten minutes .
11 His secretaryship of the UDC , which he held until his death , cost him his Liberal candidacy and led to six months ' imprisonment for a technical breach of the Defence of the Realm Act .
12 James went to the local police superintendent , one Smith , and asked for 100 police to be billeted on the colliery premises , as , otherwise , the safety men , who were frightened , would not come to work .
13 Pearson , of Tadcaster , admitted three arson charges and asked for eight others to be considered .
14 Youds was ordered to pay £100 per unit and £30 costs and asked for eight weeks to pay the £630 sum .
15 She admitted four charges of making a false representation to obtain benefit and asked for 18 others to be taken into consideration .
16 McCabe , of Millbrook Avenue , Brambles Farm , Middlesbrough , admitted three offences of theft and asked for six offences to be taken into consideration .
17 Anthony Killen , 28 , of no fixed address , admitted burglary , receving stolen goods and asked for two burglaries to be taken into consideration .
18 Christopher Appleton , 18 , of Highmoor Road , Darlington , admitted burglary and asked for two offences to be considered .
19 He admitted eight robberies between May and July and asked for two others and six attempted robberies to be taken into consideration .
20 ‘ On my way down I sent a message to the sheriff 's office at the Guildhall and asked for two cursitors to make diligent inquiries amongst the taverns and stews along this side of the river .
21 Richardson , 22 , of Clevedon , Avon , admitted 33 fraud charges and asked for 48 others to be considered by Gloucester Crown Court .
22 They were fined £1,000 with £365 costs — and asked for 28 days to pay .
23 The vast majority of them had tried , and failed for one reason or another , to get into one or other of the local preparatory schools .
24 In 1899 she founded and edited the Anglo-Saxon Review ; in spite of its contributors , this monthly magazine was overpriced at a guinea , had no theme , and failed after ten issues .
25 After emptying and washing each well , 100 µl of sample or standard ( diluted 1 in 80 in phosphate buffered saline , pH 7.2 , and containing 0.1% Tween and 0.5% bovine serum albumin to prevent non-specific protein binding to the plate ) were added and incubated for one hour .
26 Recombinant human tumour necrosis factor-α ( TNF-α ) ( Boehringer Mannheim , Germany ) ( 0.1–100 ng/ml ) was added to effector cells and incubated for one day .
27 The second layer antibody , biotinylatd goat anti-mouse IgG ( Vector Laboratories , Burlingame , CA , USA ) was applied at a dilution of 1:50 and incubated for two hours at room temperature .
28 After being washed with medium , the target cells were suspended in 1 ml of medium containing 100 mCi Na 2 5 1 CrO 4 ( Daiichi Radioisotope , Tokyo , Japan ) and incubated for 45 minutes at 37°C .
29 Peroxidase conjugated sheep anti-mouse immunoglobulins ( Amersham ) were added at a 1/2000 dilution in PBSB-Tween and incubated for 1 hour at room temperature .
30 Purified VLPs and core-like particles ( CLPs ) were diluted to the concentration of 0.1 mg/ml with 50 mM Tris hydrochloride ( pH 8.0 ) — 150 mM NaCl — 5 mM MgCl 2 — 0.5% Nonidet P-40 , 6 µl of anti-VP2 monoclonal antibody was added to each 200 µl of VLPs or CLPs and incubated for 5 h at 5°C .
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