Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] have [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps all of them , Rose had not been specific , or Gabriel had not heard the details .
2 If the birds or Australia had not received that degree of attention from the scientific ornithologist which their interest demanded ’ , he wrote in his preface to Mammals of Australia , ‘ I can assert , without fear of contradiction , that its highly curious and interesting Mammals have been still less investigated .
3 The big fish had been making for deep water all afternoon and Trent had n't seen a bird for the past hour .
4 Nor had they cared to learn and Trent had n't tried teaching them .
5 He felt Vechey and Brampton had not committed suicide .
6 The last Soviet troops left the country in 1958 and Romania has not taken part in any Warsaw Pact exercises since 1968 .
7 Despite indiscretions induced by excess alcohol , relations between Stewart and Glenure had not broken down irretrievably .
8 They were coming towards them now and Fernando had n't seen her yet ; this was so awful .
9 Seve , Nick , Jose-Maria and Woosie are all superstars although Josie-Maria and Ian have n't proved it yet it terms of Majors and I looked upon them as bankers on the first two days .
10 I 'd told , and Toby had n't minded , and soon we 'd be alone together .
11 But I was in a foul temper , and Rebecca had n't made it any easier by going on about missing papers , and how urgent it was that we had them back . ’
12 And Cadfael had not missed the heave of the misshapen shoulder , visible now in this rear view as a distinct hump , though not grave enough to disfigure an otherwise finely proportioned body .
13 But certainly Jasper and Bert had not thought this ; and the Irish comrades had not given them anything specific to do .
14 ‘ I share with David an ’ he 's bound to keep comin' in to see what we'se doin' and Edward has n't had a room of his own ever .
15 The fact that Mary and her late husband had after their coronation in Rheims formally assumed the titles of King and Queen of England and Ireland had not provoked any great trust in Elizabeth 's always suspicious mind .
16 And Maggie has not finished talking .
17 And Nigel had n't needed a second invitation .
18 So Steve and Nigel have n't turned up yet ?
19 It was an echo of Rain 's own words to Barbara Coleman but she said : ‘ The art world can be extreme , and Durance has n't declined as many old artists decline .
20 McHale 's men have won just once in eight matches and Fletcher has not started since the 5–1 defeat at Barnet on February 8 .
21 The service was no novelty to him for his father had been a High Anglican vicar in another part of London and Rupert had not lost his boyhood faith until his first year at Oxford — late really , he had thought , for a clergyman 's son .
22 I was weaned on a regular diet of Hollywood fantasy at my local cinema , The Grand , in a remote , windswept North-east village during the war years and my passion for Snow White , Grumpy , Happy and Mickey has not dimmed with the passage of time .
23 What the people of Sherwood and many others want to know is why National Power and PowerGen have not reflected those bargain purchases from British Coal in lower electricity prices .
24 If Liz and Owen had n't had that accident , which brought us together to look after the twins , we might never have found each other again ! ’ she cried , feeling almost faint as she fell back on the pillows , hardly able to bear the thought of how narrowly they had averted a lifetime of unhappiness .
25 On Sept. 9 , Tajikistan became the 12th Soviet republic to declare independence ( only the Russian Federation , Kazakhstan and Turkmenia having not done so ) .
26 And Jesus had n't stopped speaking , but even as he 's saying that the these people are gathering around him , the tax gatherers , the sinners , the undesirables of society , they 're gathering around him to hear what he 's got to say .
27 Wharton-Tigar and Klein have not forgotten the incident over all the years that have passed .
28 The people of Nanking , Korea and Singapore have n't forgotten the cruelties of the past .
29 Her father , whom she obviously dotes on and has the highest respect for , thinks he 's a highly suspicious character — he and Andropulos have n't spoken for years .
30 Well it 's a wonder Ann and Rita have n't done something about it .
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