Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] [vb past] out and " in BNC.

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1 And Jim went out and got drunk in Invercargill with a man he 'd met at the last A&P show , Bill McKirdy , and he stayed with Bill that night to sleep it off .
2 Joanna nodded equably and Sophie got out and walked back a short distance .
3 So anyway , after fucking weeks and weeks and weeks I had come out to me one day , and Mr came out and he said to me he had a wee bucket and shovels and he says er bring me down to the first floor so I opened to let him out and he gets out and he says to me , now take her half way between the first and second floor and stop her .
4 Joe picked up the picnic basket and the thermos flask from the table , and together he and Martin went out and across the dark courtyard towards the garage .
5 This agreed , Christine and Mary ran out and down to the bottom of the long garden where the apple-tree stood .
6 Lis , Emma and Amy jumped out and left me in by myself .
7 She caught her breath , and Guy reached out and took her hand between both of his .
8 And she said last year I 'd pulled that on the furniture , and like the first year you 're old enough to really wrap and there was a tap on the window and Theresa went out and she went , and come back and she went oh my God Father Christmas is out there and she said
9 Fred Crocombe put the flaps half down , and Wood flattened out and made a fine three-point landing , pulling up quickly and successfully avoiding several groups of boulders .
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