Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] [be] [verb] about " in BNC.

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1 He beamed at them again and Caspar was beginning to relax , because it seemed as if they might escape after all and Fenella was remembering about magic being very nearly everyday here , when Pumlumon said , ‘ Of course , that 's so long as I can remember the words . ’
2 After a lot of bad feeling , the next thing I knew was Rosenberg , the producer , was on the set every day and Brando was arguing about every scene with him instead of me .
3 Y You and Deborah were talking about Dan and Honey yesterday were n't you ?
4 Kimberley and Killion were prancing about the sky , failing to distract the defences , and Lambert strayed into a hail of machine-gun fire , splashed with flak .
5 And Pam was shouting about the bloody cholesterol !
6 She 'd gone into labour when she was told about the Antelope , and Martin was born about a month premature .
7 I was trying to solve the mystery of that secret ‘ consignment ’ you and Salvo were talking about ! ’
8 I think it 's Henry IV Part 1 , where Hotspur and Glendower are talking about magic . )
9 Here , then , the discussion will simply be an elaboration of what Sperber and Wilson are talking about in the very text I have cited .
10 She and Daniel were learning about herrings and shin of beef , gnocchi and onion tart .
11 As the four-man squad loped , half-crouching , along the space station 's strangely-twisting corridors , Ace and Daak were squabbling about which of them should guard the other 's back .
12 At last football reasserted itself and Moore was talked about again for his prowess on the field .
13 So you can imagine the sort of conversations we 're gon na have when Ray and Cynthia are talking about the distances between things and I 'm going to be saying you know if I want to go from Piccadilly to Tech house , it can take me at least half an hour .
14 Everyone talked about boyfriends and husbands , especially those who had both , and Anne was quizzed about her boyfriends .
15 We talked about image and Mandy was talking about not preparing if we wanted these pictures to go out because we wanted erm create a not an illusion but a a perception of what was going on .
16 Should of heard what me and Emma were talking about last night !
17 Me and Emma was talking about the flipping things she gets up to with Scott .
18 More than 7,000 people in England , Scotland and Wales were asked about their coffee and tea-drinking habits and given simple tests of their reaction times , memory and reasoning .
19 Although it was light outside the tent , music was still blaring from a disco in the comer and Henry was dancing about the floor , ashen-faced and wide-eyed .
20 We return to the porch where Lucker and Jerry are talking about beer .
21 But Giffen was talking about his books .
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