Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] [verb] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then we lowered the sail and sat in the sun , and Pierre spoke of the lot he and his fellow villagers had been born to , the weeks at sea , the gales , the great hauls of fish , the hardships and achievements of a Breton fisherman 's life , while we ate the food he had brought with him , and drank his rough cider .
2 Pierre Naville , for instance , enthused that we should get pleasure from the streets of the city in which kiosks , autos , and lights were in a sense already representations , and Breton spoke of the world as ‘ automatic writing ’ ( Krauss 1985b , p. 99 ) .
3 Thus Naville enthused that we should get pleasure from the streets of the city in which kiosks , autos , and lights were in a sense already representations , and Breton spoke of the world itself as ‘ automatic writing ’ .
4 Berle met Michael Wright , counsellor at the British embassy in Washington , on 21 October , and Wright talked of a ‘ head-on collision ’ of US and British policies .
5 And Spencer spoke of the ability to understand an experience with the wisdom of a child plus the older experience of later years .
6 Simon and Nigel spoke of the history of their branch .
7 The sharp peaks are what Hoffman identified as the markers for 1461 and 2615 keV ; the signal that interested Fleischmann and Pons consists of the dotted structure around 2500 keV .
8 Phizacklea and Miles warn of the limits of any strategy premised on the assumption ( made in the 1970s by the TUC and the Labour Party ) that ‘ the way to eliminate working-class racism was to provide counter-arguments to common racist beliefs ’ , to push out of workers ' heads an ideological baggage primarily produced by the dominant class and replace it by ‘ the truth ’ .
9 She gave Jenna a startled look and disappeared , and Jenna thought of the mess she had made of her things .
10 My point here is that the surrealists and Benjamin spoke of the destruction of the ( modernist and auratic ) distinction between art and life .
11 The sea bed between Dover and Sangatte consists of a largely uninterrupted thick layer of chalk separated from the underlying cretaceous chalk by a layer of Gault clay .
12 Selwyn Lloyd , Redmayne and Blakenham warned of the effect on the party .
13 Technology serves as a ‘ background ideology ’ that takes on legitimizing power and Habermas writes of the fetishization of science as a ‘ new ’ ideology .
14 What Bet and Alec thought of a packed house replete with Manc ravers is anyone 's guess but we are told that this event , which was a joint Most Excellent and A Bit Ginger promotion , had the Mancunian cognoscenti rocking over the most famous beermats in Britain .
15 ‘ The advertisements and Briggs spoke of a Jane Eyre , but I only knew a Jane Elliott , ’ said St John .
16 The Munn Report claimed that these positions could be reconciled , but Skilbeck says of the three educational ideologies : ‘ each is a powerful force in contemporary educational thought and practice … each can be seen as a comprehensive and well-articulated position ’ .
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