Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] she [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Her feet found wings and suddenly she twinkled with the spirit of Fred Astaire .
2 Her second husband had died Some years before , and now she lived with her son , George Grimsdale and his two young children in a large house at Windsor — 37 Victoria Cottages .
3 And then she says with a faint show of importance , ‘ Of course the people here simply love me for it .
4 And then she saw with a shock that Jan was back .
5 So I open the door to wherever she is , and there she sits with some leather-bound quarto volume of local archives open in front of her , writing about the way I lace my shoes .
6 He had filled her heart with new hope and love and yet … and yet she burned with uncertainty now .
7 The urge to throw herself on the tormentingly broad shoulder was too humiliating , and instead she stiffened with fresh anger and resentment towards him .
8 His slow smile lit up his eyes , and again she realised with a jolt that behind his severe exterior he could be quite attractive .
9 Mrs Rosenbloom had written that they all wanted her back but still she stayed with her mother and brother in the farmhouse above the small lake , the poor rock-strewn lower slopes of the mountain rising towards Arigna beyond .
10 Her face was pleasingly flushed from hurrying , but now she walked with her head held high , taking slow , dignified steps so that no one would have thought she was a domestic servant .
11 If nothing else , she enjoyed feeling needed ; but sometimes she dreamed with disturbing vividness about the managing director , who had believed in full-length mirrors , bottles of champagne and the importance of taking one 's time .
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