Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] i did [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But I did go to America and so I did n't see the climax of the series , Henry V , until …
2 And so I did n't say anything . ’
3 ‘ But Maurin had gone roaring off in a taxi and I 'd had to find the bus stop and so I did n't seriously expect to .
4 They did n't want Wallis , and so I did n't want them . ’
5 But it was for a reason that would cut no ice with Jean-Claude and so I did not put it to him .
6 It was a lot stronger than I had imagined and so I did not treat it with the necessary respect .
7 You came here once before asking questions and perhaps I did not give you the best answers . ’
8 Even if I might have wandered away from Piccadilly , I could n't have gone far , and anyway I did n't mind walking .
9 Well cos of what Romeo did and anyway I did n't know about how much Paris wants to marry her .
10 In point of fact the reverse ruled : I was constantly having chits thrust at me giving me a blow-by-blow account of " Charlie 's " state of health , but I was never made aware of the seriousness of Eddie 's wound , and somehow I did not know until I visited him in hospital later that morning .
11 When Arthur was sound again , I had Countryman and Lannegan , and somehow I did n't enjoy riding him so much because every time he jumped , I was afraid he 'd be lame .
12 And we stayed in digs together once in Oxford , and later I did n't have anywhere to stay and his mother put me up .
13 And also I did n't want to see that Mercy Newbegin .
14 They brought him back as a Caretaker to General Manager and really I did n't see eye to eye with him .
15 and really I did n't need to do that I ought
16 The King 's mail never seemed to catch up with him , and now I did n't want Charlie to find out what I had been up to until I had the chance to witness his reaction for myself .
17 They did not refer me , and strangely I did not insist ; as patients do not want to hear bad news .
18 And then I did n't see her again until about nine years ago , when I was living in America and we were introduced again .
19 And I lost all my urge to go to church , because I felt I was doing wrong , so I did n't go , and then I did n't have the strong principles anymore .
20 So I had a job for about a year er in a fruit shop and then I did n't like the Saturday work
21 Literally I cried that night and then I did n't cry again .
22 and er , so I used to , I started again and then I did n't smoke until I come out of ho , when I come out , I did n't smoke
23 So I phoned them again and er they took it down and then I did n't see it in the paper again so when I phoned again and said why have n't you put it in she said well , of course , she said , if you pay two pounds she said two pound fifty
24 I do n't know oh They 've been telly that Tom give us , that give us and then I did n't put on
25 because I said it was erm Simon 's , and then I did n't know really where they lived and erm , I know they moved out , out of next door to Lesley 's , and in the end it never got done that , that more to the point but erm I ca n't do that up until I 've done that can I ?
26 Mike organized it , for me to go over there and then I did n't need to be there at all , cos noth nobody turned up .
27 I became so quiet and lonely and sometimes I did n't even want to see my husband ( after my daughter was born and when she was a baby ) .
28 And yet I did n't feel my usual confidence .
29 As this turns up later in the memoir , I need only report that , out of dissatisfaction , I scrapped the manuscript more than once , and therefore I did not show it to Eliot just then .
30 But perhaps I did n't make myself clear .
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