Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] that it was " in BNC.

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1 As Griffiths LJ explained in Lion Laboratories Ltd v Evans " I believe that the so-called iniquity rule evolved because in most cases where the facts justified a publication in breach of confidence the plaintiff had behaved so disgracefully or criminally that it was judged in the public interest that his behaviour should be exposed " and , as he aptly stated , " there is a world of difference between what is in the public interest and what is of interest to the public " .
2 Did they remember much detail about it , or merely that it was there ?
3 And even if a structural , timber can be dated , there is always the possibility that it was stored for some time between being felled and being used , or even that it was re-used timber salvaged from an earlier building .
4 Later when the ‘ other ’ side was told , they often did not agree with the way it was handled or even that it was a crisis .
5 Practically a tennis dress , Flavia noted with approval , having no idea who had made it , nor indeed that it was made , nor how much it must have cost .
6 New Order were proving they could compete with the largely faceless and bland disco outpourings of the major corporations , and also that it was possible to channel their personal intensity through this format .
7 On and on she heard herself ranting ( could it be that she heard echoes of her own past self , the speaking , ranting , resurrected ghost of that ephemeral figure Liz Lintot ? ) and heard his vague , evasive grunts and answers : yes , he said , he and Henrietta would marry as soon as possible , Henrietta wanted to go to New York with him , she 'd had a thin time herself lately , he needed her in New York , Henrietta had n't been well , needed to settle … and as Liz spoke and listened she was aware of a simultaneous conviction that this was the most shocking , the most painful hour of her entire life , and also that it was profoundly dull , profoundly trivial , profoundly irrelevant , a mere routine , devoid of truth , devoid of meaning : nothing .
8 And she smiled so nicely at Inchbad and Goibniu that everyone smiled back and thought it would be really very interesting to hear about some of the strange lands and the faraway worlds the Humans had visited from the great Feargach Grian , and also that it was always a shame to eat Humans when they were pretty and young and friendly .
9 He could see from her face that that really hurt , and also that it was something she had n't been able to work out satisfactorily for herself .
10 He knew then that the occupants of The Haunt were aware exactly of how dangerous their business was , and also that it was the thrill of that danger which sustained them .
11 In Harling in 1938 , Hilbery J. expressed the view that ‘ a charge of rape requires to be sustained by evidence which satisfies the jury first of all that there was carnal knowledge , secondly that it was by force , and thirdly that it was without consent . ’
12 ‘ Hawaii Five-O was a hit show while the Manson Family was on trial , and before that it was a really drab , boring FBI kind of show .
13 And before that it was known as .
14 Or simply told the truth — told them there and now that it was n't Syl 's smile that repelled me but that I had an intuitive conviction that there was something unsound in him , something unwholesome by virtue of being undeveloped , something that would , sooner or later , cause me to turn on him with bitter cruelty as Nour had turned on me .
15 He crouched still for a time after that , for there was no haste , and now that it was time he found himself afraid ; there might be something to lose there , as well as something to find .
16 And now it was coming true , because he was smiling … and she decided there and then that it was one of the nicest smiles she had ever seen .
17 I thought that Robert had covered his tracks well and then that it was inconceivable that Lili , who knew everything , should n't have known all that her husband did .
18 I decided then and there that it was a good thing to be without wax .
19 But Brian said time and again that it was the ‘ personal touch ’ he valued .
20 She set off down the slope , forcing herself not to run , telling herself again and again that it was all right ; that her fears were unfounded .
21 The defendants argued that : ( a ) The proviso quoted above came within the first test enunciated by Lord Reid in the Esso case ( see p 7 above ) ie that it did not deprive the plaintiff of any freedom which he would otherwise have had ; accordingly that it did not operate as a restraint of trade and therefore that it was effective on the admitted facts to terminate the plaintiff 's entitlement to commission .
22 Lowell told them politely and falsely that it was good to see them .
23 But we pointed out , first , that the hypothesis of formative causation , if true , would be extremely important ; and secondly that it was , in contrast to the crackpot ideas with which Nature ( vol 90 , p 749 ) confused it , open to experiment .
24 The surpising thing is not that this is happening now , but rather that it was staved off for so long .
25 I do not mean , of course , that it was something that can not be explained yet , but rather that it was something of which no explanation can conceivably be found .
26 And then she would tell Peter firmly but gently that it was all off .
27 Chicherin believed not only that serfdom was immoral but also that it was acting as a brake on the economy , that it could not be justified as a bastion against pauperism , and finally — a somewhat unusual argument — that it entailed the improper transference to the gentry of responsibilities which ought to be exercised by the state .
28 But now that it was possible to run away from him , she did n't want to .
29 She had known their affair had to end or it would destroy them both , but now that it was about to do so , she was terrified of a future in which there would be no Luke , not even Luke causing her unhappiness .
30 He was so handsome , so present — it was a warmth and vitality that only his immense rage had masked , making her lash out in self-defence , but now that it was turned to a kind of gentle humour , and — she had to admit it — a single-minded interest in her she found him dangerously attractive .
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