Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 The swimming section was more or less brought back to mind to me the other day when they showed the old Stoke bathing place .
2 ‘ She could have gone to friends , or just driven up to London , ’ Fraser defended himself .
3 Christine , who had gained the Brownie Highway Badge , was an excellent writer and reader , and she felt rather grown-up as she wrote out notes for Miss Miggs or carefully read out to her a letter from her nephew .
4 Present them with a vision of a world in which meals were eaten at a table instead of on the knees before the flickering screen ; in which conversation was commonplace ; political and social ideas worked out by individuals , not spoon-fed into the mind by paid commentators ; a TV-less world in which we danced and sang and played charades to entertain ourselves or even popped round to the neighbours ; in which our children were not fed visions of death and dead bodies on the daily news , their infant imaginations no longer turned feverish and fearful by the sobs and sorrows of the bereaved ; nor subject to the cruel , disagreeable and frequently morbid fictional fantasies of others — would we not really vote for this ?
5 For example , people working here in acoustics and radiation physics never know which SERC committee will finally examine their applications — some of our recent applications have been to the committees for Biology , Chemistry , Chemical Engineering , Mechanical Engineering , Polymer Engineering , the joint SERC/SSRC committee or even sent off to ARC .
6 This drama is often now confused with , or even rendered back to , types of religious ritual in which some of its elements indeed originated .
7 The thirty-year rundown of the Great Central Railway terminus at Marylebone ( a prelude to seemingly inevitable total closure ) , was dramatically slammed into reverse gear on 30 April when BR admitted blossoming Chiltern Line services could not possibly be handled by Paddington , Euston , or even handed over to London Transport .
8 But those on the list who actually applied , as opposed to expressing vague interest , had no way of knowing whether their completed application forms had been weeded out or simply thrown on to the paper mountain along with everyone else .
9 On Aug. 8 the British hostage John McCarthy was released in Beirut ; he was swiftly transported to the Syrian capital , Damascus , and thence flown back to the United Kingdom .
10 But they stayed the longest in Baldersdale , apart from me of course , and eventually retired down to Hunderthwaite , down near the main road .
11 The system is thoroughly tested and eventually handed over to the user .
12 This in effect meant that PFF actually did 45 sorties , but please to remember that few Pathfinder aircrew elected to opt out at the 45 mark and most carried on to the magic 60 , And further take note that over 100 PFF aircrew managed the ton ( 100 sorties ) .
13 Weber looked thoughtfully out at , the battle-torn cavern , and slowly reached out to the ship 's telegraph , ringing up the order to start engines .
14 Shiona gripped the steering-wheel and squeezed her eyes shut and slowly counted up to ten .
15 He swung the binoculars towards the ranks of spectators on either side of the 18th fairway , and slowly traversed back to the tee .
16 Scots-born ( in Elgin ) , educated at Aberdeen University , qualifying as a CA , then joining Alcan Aluminium , he realised his experience and qualifications were ‘ quite narrow ’ and so headed off to Manchester Business School and an MBA which then took him into international consultancy with McKinsey .
17 The San Giorgio case is also of interest for present purposes in that it accepts that Community law does not prevent a national legal system from disallowing repayment of charges where to do so would entail unjust enrichment of the recipient , in particular where the charges have been incorporated into the price of goods and so passed on to the purchaser .
18 He stayed in Moscow for two months before he returned to St. Petersburg and soon sailed back to Scotland .
19 As our pick-up ti me approached we mustered under our patrol commander and soon moved back to base , tired but satisfied that we 'd done a good job .
20 She was idolised and soon settled down to life with a British family .
21 Neither of them spoke as Dalgliesh negotiated the track and finally turned on to the higher road .
22 He took up rowing in a wherry , and finally worked up to a single shell .
23 He took his time ; first cutting the cigar , then heating its tip with a succession of matches that he carelessly and provocatively dropped on to Wavebreaker 's scrubbed deck .
24 The beards come in a range of attractive colours ; pink to match your top , green , surfing blue , day-glo yellow and natural brown for those who desire a more rugged countenance , and once strapped on to the face with its Gortex-coated elastic strap , the beard provides the wearer with complete all-round chin exposure protection .
25 Some German agents must have stood out like sore thumbs ( One , codenamed ‘ Garbo ’ , could never figure out English pounds , shillings , and pence , and once reported back to Berlin from Glasgow that there were men there ‘ who would do anything for a litre of wine ’ ( p. 112 ) . )
26 FIVE cool businessmen stumbled from the wreckage of their crashed plane … and smartly stepped off to work .
27 For the first time , the marks made by the artist could be accurately and directly reproduced on to plates .
28 As the title of this present show suggests , there are works from those early student days with a leavening from his period of teaching in between and now brought up to date with a batch of more recent work .
29 He dummied and immediately pointed out to the referee his opponent 's falter ( whether he actually stepped off-side or not ! ) .
30 The BBC 's proposed solution was that everything should be handled by the BBC and then licensed back to the publishers .
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