Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [det] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On the whole , dining rooms fall into pretty familiar categories , furnished with pretty familiar types of furniture , colours and accessories , And perhaps that is as it should be .
2 There seems little likelihood of more resources ( in terms of money ) becoming available , as a proportion of the total GDP ; and perhaps this is as it should be .
3 So that 's why their policies might seem a little bit wishy-washy in that how that if they were going straight for a rich peasant economy then perhaps you would have expected a more spectacular economic growth , but there was n't and perhaps this was because they did n't actually go positively just for a rich peasant economy , they were trying to achieve a greater degree of erm egalitarianism in the countryside at the same time .
4 There are files of correspondence , rentals and accounts relating to the several divisions of the estate ; approximately 500 maps ( many being older items previously overlooked ) ; boxes on a miscellany of topics from industry and agriculture to education and churches ; and much that is as yet totally unsorted .
5 And partly this is because the closer you get to concrete ‘ race relations ’ the less likely they are to conform to the models which have informed policy making .
6 When a parent is very resistant to changing their reactions to their children it is helpful to unearth why they feel so strongly and often this is because of childhood experience .
7 And yet these are as naught compared to the sheer wickedness of the Luciferi and the treachery of the masters we served . )
8 Popular participation in electoral politics began to flag after 1951 but arguably this was because most people felt less urgency as regards political change ; there was no strong and deep-going popular reaction against the government .
9 She paused and added thoughtfully , ‘ It 's strange , but although I 've stayed down here a lot I 've never met him , but perhaps that 's because his wife was an invalid and he devoted all his time to her .
10 Strange that they did n't hurt , but perhaps that was because the man was dead .
11 I thought she was quieter than I remembered , but perhaps that was because Aunt Kit had become so much more talkative .
12 It was quiet , but perhaps that was because their entrance had been so noisy .
13 Your report is most misleading in implying otherwise , but perhaps that was because your reporter was n't there either !
14 But basically that 's because of
15 But maybe that 's because you have n't told me who you 're planning to be . ’
16 The Newcastle boss said : ‘ He has been a revelation , but maybe that 's because this is the best team he has played in . ’
17 Well they have n't aged a bit , but maybe that 's because I have .
18 Only Jonathan had no qualms about paying for her wherever they went , but maybe that was because he was as rich as she was , even if it was all his father 's money .
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