Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [adj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The senior officials of these institutions are therefore more or less free to act as they wish , so long as they show a reasonable profit .
2 This sub-committee had nothing else to do and the members carried out their task well : the delegates were all comfortable ! ( 6 ) Noting how the committee is proceeding is made more or less difficult according as the Chairman is less or more efficient .
3 An audience listens to music , not to words ( in fact , especially in choral music , the words are frequently indistinguishable , or so difficult to grasp that listeners ignore them ) .
4 It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan , more uncertain of success , or more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new order of things .
5 A low response rate is serious particularly if there is reason to suspect that persons likely to give particular kinds of answers might be less or more likely to respond than others .
6 At the outset I questioned whether , given the nature of what arts education claims to be about , it is possible or even desirable to assess or examine children 's work in this area .
7 ‘ The agency were unable to estimate what proportion may prove to be untraceable or otherwise impracticable to pursue and would therefore have to be written off .
8 They imply that it is psychologically or biologically natural to recognize and perhaps to rank these differences .
9 Perhaps those who know the truth will be too lazy or too diffident or too poor to publish while whose who believe in error will be so rich , or well organized , or self-confident that they will control the presses and the television studios and dominate the ‘ free market in ideas ’ .
10 If the behaviour patterns of the good citizen as delineated by Home Office ministers were both so lacking and so necessary to cultivate as they suggested , the schools ' function in laying the essential foundations was transparently obvious .
11 It is simple to use and so easy to learn that anyone can weave with it .
12 Thus we have a situation where data is not transformed into information , ie what staff need is information that addresses a specific need or objective of their job , and what typically they receive is a mass of data not properly tailored to their needs and so difficult to penetrate that it falls into disuse .
13 This is important when the fish are in the swim and perhaps ready to bite as soon as they see the bait sinking through the water .
14 Far less obvious and less easy to rebut than the imperialism of Henty and Ballantyne , Marryat 's good-humoured , unselfconscious , professional patriotism is the ultimate strength of his work .
15 Codes are less formal , more easily amended and less time-consuming to operate than legal provisions .
16 The mooring is more stable and less vulnerable to weather than that at Dunbar .
17 The wheat is less reliable , both in yield and quality , being much slower to get away in a cold spring and less certain to ripen and harden into high-quality baking grain .
18 Quick sponge cake is best made the day before using ( or earlier ) , as the cake will then be much easier and less messy to cut and shape .
19 Taking into account the fact that they made fewer comments about individual types of credit than men , women 's comments were more likely to be that they did not know how a type of credit worked than men 's ; and less likely to say that it was easy to understand and use .
20 4 Think pink for a powerful lip colour that is easier to wear and less likely to run than dark colours .
21 Experiments which take weeks are tiresome to arrange , more likely to go wrong , and less fun to do than those which given an answer at once , or within a day or so .
22 The present slump has also hit manufacturing hard , though companies are undoubtedly more efficient and better able to cope than they were 10 years ago .
23 Real gravitons make up what classical physicists would call gravitational waves , which are very weak-and so difficult to detect that they have never yet been observed .
24 Reading the labels helps the sales assistant become better informed about the products on sale — and thus able to advise and help the customer more effectively .
25 Minutes afterwards , Fabia was still sitting stunned and hardly able to credit that she was going to Prague with Vendelin Gajdusek — that he was allowing her to use a spare room in his Prague hotel suite !
26 A fair city , something dishevelled after uneasy times , and hampered and straitened now -by the loss of the thriving Welsh trade which was half its life , but still capable of living on its own fat for some while yet , and still hard to take and invaluable to hold .
27 Designed to enhance and protect both new and previously sealed timber and cork floors , water-based Beaver Clear Satin Floor Varnish is safer and more pleasant to use than solvent-based varnishes which give off strong , unpleasant smells that can cause headaches and nausea , particularly when used in confined areas .
28 If her protest is effective , she becomes less frightened of her own greed and more able to own and express it for herself .
29 In particular , mothers were socioeconomically disadvantaged , younger , and more likely to smoke and their infants were of lower birth weight and more likely to share a bed with another person .
30 But even allowing for this , current users of credit cards were much more likely than non-users to say they are easy to understand and use , convenient and make shopping simple ; and more likely to say that they encourage people to spend too much .
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