Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] give [pers pn] the " in BNC.

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1 This was made explicit by Louis Agassiz , a Swiss who had in 1840 recognized marks of glaciation all over northern Europe and thus given us the idea of ice ages .
2 Nicklaus took note of Cathy 's instruction , and later gave her the credit when he found himself back to his old form in that week 's skins ' game .
3 Sir James set John Wordsworth up in the largest house in the High Street of Cockermouth , and later gave him the office of Coroner of Millom .
4 hello there … yes we 've come to Prestbury Park as Cheltenham readies itself for Gold Cup Week … we 'll be looking ahead to the festival in a few moments and also giving you the chance to win two tickets for the big day … first the weekend action and the big race in football … the chase for promotion
5 As Granpa Charlie and I always had an apple for breakfast , the arrangement sorted out our own needs and also gave me the chance to sample what we were selling to the customers .
6 She 'll say that and then give you the
7 Tremayne listened a bit and talked a bit and then gave me the receiver again .
8 About to make a flippant reply , she checked herself and instead gave him the exact truth .
9 She feels that the experience of being a childminder helped her to get the job and certainly gave her the confidence to apply in the first place .
10 She had to make sure that she avoided him in the future and never gave him the chance to pull any more stunts like that !
11 I think that 's probably come down through the years and things are still that way for musicians : get them as cheap as you can and never give them the credit that they deserve . ’
12 Things are still that way for musicians : get them as cheap as you can and never give them the credit that they deserve
13 ‘ The best design strategy is not to program a computer directly with the wealth of descriptive detail that constitutes a natural language but rather to give it the basic set of expectations and abilities that are needed to learn a language . ’
14 Individualism of this variety strives to put individuals in their social context , but nevertheless gives them the last laugh .
15 If , for example , the victim knew that the accused was trying to obtain by deception , but nevertheless gave him the item , the accused is not guilty .
16 They put it on to tape and called it ‘ Cossachok ’ , but later gave it the proper title of ‘ Hopak ’ .
17 We launched this draw not only to encourage more people to enjoy ‘ old York ’ , but also to give them the opportunity to experience the excitement of New York . ’
18 It was therefore thought necessary to take steps not only to secure the defence of the Iberian Peninsula , but also to give it the ability to assume an offensive role if necessary .
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