Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] take [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The shape of a hill might be altered by the construction of earthworks , or even taking off a pointed peak .
2 Describing Gloucester 's subsequent attack on the Woodvilles , More continues : ‘ [ Gloucester and Buckingham ] said that the lord marquis had entered into the Tower of London and thence taken out the king 's treasure and sent men to the sea .
3 Describing Gloucester 's subsequent attack on the Woodvilles , More continues : ‘ [ Gloucester and Buckingham ] said that the lord marquis had entered into the Tower of London and thence taken out the king 's treasure and sent men to the sea .
4 The station as a point of departure literally and metaphorically took on a particular intensity for the post-First World War generation of young British literati .
5 One species of beetle in Brazil , when alarmed , immediately folds up its legs and flattens itself sideways , exposing its white underside and so takes on the appearance of a bird dropping .
6 If the forecasts are believed , they will affect the actions of agents and so take on the role of expectations .
7 For the diminutive Andy — people often wonder how he hauls around the pro bags that stand as high as him — the triumphs he has shared with Nick Faldo are something of a fulfilment of his own ambition of winning the titles himself : he started as a tournament professional with dreams of a major championship before realizing he would not make the grade as a pro , and so took up the bag instead of the club .
8 Since the acquisition of premises ( other than where the entrepreneur purchases the premises as a going concern and merely takes over an existing catering enterprise ) normally involves at least a change of use and often the development of the premises , planning permission is required .
9 Unless you are thinking of doing La Demande , put away your chocks and Friends and just take about a dozen quick-draws .
10 Late in 1939 Jack Radford was moved back to Toronto and he was sorely missed ; he was succeeded by Peter Aylen who proved a most satisfactory station manager for a year until he also was transferred back east and shortly took over the post as Director of Radio for the United Nations Organization in New York .
11 Besides which , butler 's argument really moves at the level of phenomenology only , as an account of the conscious character of desire , and hardly takes on the idea of someone like Spinoza that all activity at a deeper level is a manifestation of the organism 's disposition to preserve and enhance its own being .
12 During subsequent interrogation it was revealed that Ann Lynn had made a rendezvous during the night with a Dutch cargo vessel , had stowed the contraband below for later disposal , and calmly taken out the anglers for a day 's fishing before unloading the loot .
13 With a strength Isabel had not known she possessed she had beaten back panic and calmly taken down the rushlight , dividing the rushes into smaller bundles to conserve the light .
14 Non-European countries were more and more to take up the methods and manners of Europe .
15 Community development has to do with communities assuming greater control over their own lives and with people , both individually and collectively taking up an increased decision-making role in social life .
16 She joined the Boat Race squad last January and quickly took over the Blue boat .
17 Sometimes a family crisis such as the wife 's admission to hospital for an operation , or confinement , when mother-in-law comes to the rescue and willingly takes over the housekeeping , will draw them together , and help them to value each other as people for the first time ; but more often it is a gradual process , the slow demolition of long-held prejudices .
18 This was undoubtedly his eldest son , who served his engraving apprenticeship under his father from 1802 and later took over the business c .1821 in partnership with his brother John , although their father probably remained a partner until his death .
19 One further simplifying approximation is often made : recognising that all rates of change are commonly slow compared with the optical cycle time ( and the wavelength , one can reduce the Maxwell equation to first order ( slowly varying amplitude approximation ) , and also take out the rapidly varying part of P21 setting .
20 On Dec. 17 Gaidar was made presidential economic adviser and also took up the directorship of the Institute for the Problems of the Transition Period .
21 By 1985 GM-EDS was developing such networks in Britain , Germany and elsewhere in Europe ; it was incorporating pre-existing operations in its Vauxhall and Opel subsidiaries and also took over a Unilever system .
22 Lee remained secretary-general of the ruling People 's Action Party ( PAP ) , which he had founded , and also took on the post of Senior Minister in the new Cabinet .
23 If you are waiting for post-feminists to hasten to your rescue , girding their loins and hairy-leggedly taking on the Viz comics and Dennis Potters of this world on your behalf , I would suggest that you do n't hold your breath .
24 If the function is seen as the delivery of a service to carers and hence taking on the role of respite care rather than that of aiming for functional improvement then this could have import for the type of staff , ie specifically trained , ratio of staff and the drawing of expertise from other fields , ie occupational therapists .
25 Yeltsin issued a decree on March 16 creating a Russian Federation Defence Ministry , and temporarily took on the portfolio himself .
26 It soon forced the back door out , and then took away a great part of his furniture .
27 The firm organized catering at the Glasgow exhibition , the 1889 Paris exhibition , and then took over the catering at Olympia and the Crystal Palace .
28 With this lot , we 've got A add B , that 's one number , take away A minus B. That 's going to come to A add B , A take away A or A minus A and then take away A minus B , taking away A minus B is the same as adding a B. So the A take away A go out and this comes to two B. Now this is not using a long way , a long way round to do it .
29 That just comes to take away five , and then take away a plus one , take away one .
30 Vincent would enter houses and tell exhausted women to go and rest , and then take over the family wash .
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