Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [conj] he [be] " in BNC.

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1 Henry wondered if his chum , the great young cellist , had taken untimely to bed because he was trying to keep out of Henry 's marriage , or perhaps because he was nursing loneliness .
2 Well more or less but he were n't amused at any of the results so
3 I knew more or less where he was and I knew he had not been recaptured — that was all .
4 This cemented his place in the Test team , although it would be another year or so before he was given the new ball , and then it was just a question of piling up the scalps as the main strike bowler .
5 Another quarter of an hour or so and he was solving Michael 's recruitment problems across the board , recommending a dozen good , reliable workers .
6 It is far easier to convince readers of the courage and invention of a youth of fifteen or so when he is foiling the enemy with a clever disguise or a neatly gymnastic escape than when he is in grim and bloody action on board an enemy ship — not only easier , but more in keeping with the romantic excitement proper to adventure-story .
7 But she usually heard him creep in , however late it was , and came scratching on the door just as he had got his trousers off , or just as he was scraping her uneaten steak-and-kidney pie into a polythene bag to throw away at the office next day .
8 An intelligent player , who read the game well , Peter was a considerable asset in the top flight but , in only the third match of 1972–73 , he had the misfortune to break his leg in a tackle with his former Liverpool team-mate Tommy Smith , and it was a year or more before he was really able to play properly again , and that represented a real loss to the club .
9 Or even that he is conducting a stealthy operation to ensure the BBC 's survival that depends on elaborate deception .
10 The announcement only fuelled speculation that he is earmarked for greater things in the Shandwick organisation , of which PRCS is now a part , or even that he was preparing the way for something completely different when his five-year golden handcuffs are released next year .
11 Or even when he was not there .
12 Sometimes they used it on him when he was waiting to be served by a barman , or even when he was just standing waiting to cross a busy street , but mostly it was when he was talking to somebody official .
13 It 's also a question is n't it , of whether you appoint a man because he 's a good preacher or secondly because he 's a good pastor .
14 The offences were committed over six years at the society 's museum at Comrie , initially when the accused was a trustee of the society and latterly when he was curator .
15 After two years , he was judged to have learnt sufficient skills , and was apprenticed to a Plymouth shoe maker who treated him so harshly and badly that he was re-admitted to the workhouse where he stayed until he was 19 years old .
16 Yeah well they 've got ta be cooked tonight so you got ta do so and so , so and so and so and so and he 's gon na be cooking all these sausages and stuff !
17 Erm , and perhaps because he was becoming too friendly with Josephine , he was sent to Spain by Bonaparte , but then he fell out with Bonaparte , and Bonaparte fell out with him , and he was put under surveillance by the erm , the President , and erm , it makes you wonder what really went wrong .
18 And all because he 's determined to crush whatever spirit of independence Peter has .
19 In a fit of temper he shot up past the runner , and just as he was reaching for a ledge above , the turf he was standing on performed its Velcro imitation and propelled the stunned climber into the air .
20 ‘ He still is , the young idiot , and just as he was getting on his feet .
21 Ushering her inside , he walked into his study and just as he was about to close the door she remembered she had n't settled up with him .
22 That was in 1988 and soon after he was given the task of running the show .
23 It was a place he rarely went , and now he had been twice in twenty-four hours ; last night with Benny , and tonight because he was so late and fussed getting back from his useless journey to Dublin .
24 Second , that he objects to the topicality of the subject that he 's chosen , and finally that he 's not , of course , at home writing prose .
25 In 1970 , his hard times continued : not for the first or last time in his career , he found himself in trouble with the authorities , being disqualified twice , once when he was winning and once when he was in second place .
26 She said he was from Moila , and ever since he was a boy he 'd been a sort of con artist , and could get away with anything- ’
27 How did you tell a man who had just expressed his undying love for you and his need to remain in your arms for ever and ever that he was separated from you by a distance of fifty years , and that only by some perverse and cruel trick of time had you been allowed to meet at all ?
28 Gradually his attitude changes , partly for the almost absurdly simple reason that the weather changes from uncomfortable cold to pleasant warmth and partly because he is too intelligent to be totally unaware that he is learning , whether he wants to or not .
29 When Bismarck unified Germany he succeeded in doing so with the agreement of the other European powers , partly because of his own effective diplomacy and partly because he was able to reassure the British in particular that Germany 's future path would be constitutional and parliamentary .
30 For the moment , however , he allowed the affair to subside , partly because Spain herself appeared to be on the verge of civil war , and as a consequence even less attractive to any possible monarch , and partly because he was awaiting developments in France where the regime appeared to be entering a moment of crisis .
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