Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [conj] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , individuals that either fail to find enough food for themselves or unwisely and fatally expose themselves to predators tend to die young and to leave few offspring .
2 But , you know she just puts it on , she does n't want to do any thing for a hour or so and just sit and recover .
3 Printers and typesetting houses have been embracing new methods for the last 15 years or so and now rely entirely upon them .
4 He would stay for just an hour or so and then gather up the equipment and disappear .
5 Always rehang the hooks about every twelfth row or so and never leave them in place if you have to leave the work .
6 Remove any dry outer leaves , cut off the top third or more and lightly bruise the fleshy base .
7 Most of the fires are dry leaf fires , made for smoke , they puff once or twice and then go out .
8 ‘ These are lurking demons waiting to pounce and then you either pack up or reluctantly and sadly sell something off .
9 Enjoy the adoration of family and friends and sensibly and slowly plan your next races ( see Bruce Tulloh 's advice on page 46 ) or , if London ‘ 92 was a bit of a disaster , do n't feel sorry for yourself .
10 For example , you could slide the leading foot forwards and outwards and then throw your body-weight forwards , swinging the rear leg in and forwards in a shallow U-shaped movement .
11 In February 1991 , for example , the government stated that it was adopting measures to ‘ make available registers of detention … and promptly and objectively establish the fate of those whose ‘ disappearance ’ is claimed as certain . ’
12 Now , the Yale and Union locks they 'd got a certain type of locks that they produced and it was all done with a system , you know what I mean and more or less come to assembly and er they did that .
13 The next morning I looked out of the window of my warm bedroom into the backyard and saw a child enter the open gate from the garden , look cautiously round , lift the lid from an over-flowing garbage can and quickly and efficiently pick out the scraps of bread and other left-overs from our supper tables the previous night .
14 How are we free unless we fight for freedom and like as not break one or more of the Commandments ? ’
15 Give times for each step , and hence or otherwise comment on methods of optimizing direct retrieval .
16 Do some work occasionally for the theatre , the Concert Spirituel and the Concert des Amateurs , and now and then have something engraved par souscription .
17 The ground got steadily hillier , and here and there rock outcrops stood out which , had they not been so near to towns , he would have been tempted to investigate .
18 His body , untended , would slowly and painlessly and naturally bring about what was inevitable .
19 Will my hon. Friend reflect on the mirror image of those charges , when one looks at the Liberal Democrat and Labour party Front-Bench spokesmen to see how many come from Scottish constituencies and frequently and regularly speak on purely English matters ?
20 Here they become wider and slower and often carry considerable quantities of sand and silt .
21 and then and then Miss said you 'd better come down and we 'll have a talk about it , I 've learnt a bit more about your ex country
22 Was it two times that 's what I do and then and then let it harden off and then
23 Finish your penicillin first and then and then go
24 The situation is not that we always have confirmed hypotheses , and sometimes or often lack an enumeration of the elements of a causal circumstance .
25 When light dawns as to what we are fighting for and why it is so difficult to achieve , sometimes we can break off and laugh with relief and take the steps to reconciliation that , again and again and again seem to be necessary .
26 He said : ‘ If the Scottish Secretary wishes to make a statement then he should do so openly and publicly and not allow his young office staff to brief members of the press off the record .
27 Straight chemical fertilizers are for the most part designed to provide the three major elements nitrogen , phosphate and potash , and seldom if ever contain any of the minor elements .
28 Do not scold the puppy , but simply and firmly say ‘ no ’ at this stage .
29 The fact that certain strategies which can be shown to be useful in translation have not been made use of so far suggests that translators are simply not aware of them , rather than that they are familiar with them but consciously or subconsciously choose not to use them .
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