Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [conj] [pron] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 Because of its Hypersoft compression technology , or rather because it does n't require image decompression , 100 full-screen zoomed images can be viewed in less than 17 seconds , 1,000 in 3.5 minutes .
2 Because of its Hypersoft compression technology or rather because it does n't require image decompression 100 full-screen zoomed images can be viewed in less than 17 second , 1,000 in 3.5 minutes .
3 King cobras curl around their pile of eggs , encircling it with their coils , and crocodiles stay alongside their nest of decaying vegetation for the two months or so that it takes the eggs within to hatch .
4 Radio and TV can react even more quickly than daily newspapers , with an item going on air only an hour or so after it has been received .
5 You should try to prevent this situation arising , possibly by exercising the dog on the leash for a day or so if it has shown a tendency to behave in this fashion in the past .
6 Let us say that the meaning of a statement is cognitive if and only if there is a certain belief such that one is speaking either insincerely or incorrectly if one makes that statement or assents to it as uttered by another without having that belief .
7 Do they do it all at once , or in chronological order , or just as it seems to emerge ?
8 I stress local : Verkhovensky 's group psychology is plausible enough but it does n't engage with anything wider or further that he proposes to do .
9 A bankruptcy petition can be issued against anyone who has a judgement debt registered against them of £750 or more and who has neither paid that debt nor satisfied the court that there is a valid counterclaim .
10 He is a Whip who receives about £35,000 a year or more and he does not have to worry about the daily necessities of life .
11 Now I do n't think that 's right , fair or democratic and if we 've shied away from it for years handling this issue and now we 're in the position where this house has total responsibility for the thirty thousand citizens in total of Gibralt it 's not the electorate , the total population , thirty thousand and we continued to deny them vote yet they are citizens of the European union under our own legislation and accepted as such by the European parliament and it is wholly wrong Mr Deputy Speaker that the boundaries that we 're discussing in this bill were not drawn so that and it could easily have been done , that we could have incorporated the twenty odd thousand European union citizens of Gibraltar who do wish to be part of Spain and wo n't be for fifty years or more until it 's been a democracy that long , but to give them the right to vote .
12 These movements are similar to the normal rotations of the pelvis when you stand up , so the patient is practising them in order not to jerk upwards awkwardly or sideways as he stands , as this would inevitably knock him off balance .
13 First , because identification with one 's community is morally worthwhile , and acceptance of the authority of the state an appropriate way ( though not the only way ) to express it , one may jump to the conclusion that one has an obligation to accept the authority of the state , or even that it has authority independently of such acceptance .
14 For the visual computations algorithmically defined by Ullman do not depend on high-level processes capable of identifying ( recognizing ) objects as members of a specific class : the system does not need to know that an object is a fish , or even that it has the 3-D shape that it has , in order to know that it is an object .
15 We realise that this prospectus may not answer all your questions , or even that it contains so much information that it leaves you confused .
16 To start with , it 's not at all clear these days what people mean by it , or even whether it exists any longer .
17 It is only by alleviating frustration immediately , or even before it becomes experienced , Robarchek argues , that the Semai are able to be so non-violent .
18 If a man believes in a different god , or even if he uses a different ritual for worshipping the same god , blind faith can decree that he should die — on the cross , at the stake , skewered on a Crusader 's sword , shot in a Beirut street , or blown up in a bar in Belfast .
19 Mm well if he finds out where you are , or even if he visits relatives and starts making threats saying he 's gon na get you or he 's er assault you , or he 's gon na hurt the child , anything like that , then er the first thing obviously is to contact the police to warn him off and secondly contact me , cos we 'll then be able to apply for an injunction to stop him coming anywhere near you .
20 Or even if she does n't like , and as much as she says , well she does n't like it she ca n't give it up until they 're old enough not
21 but I mean things that nobody else remembered obviously she remembers or even if she does n't remember she heard it talked of in her childhood
22 Some women have suggested reclaiming cunt , pointing out that the word has connections with cunning ( knowledge , magical power ) , or simply that it denotes a powerful and female area of the body .
23 He may have acted in this way because the dog was worrying sheep , or because he wanted to annoy the dog 's owner , or simply because he despises all alsatians .
24 The government of the day will often let it be known to one of its aspiring party members that it would greatly welcome his ballot victory to promote a particular piece of legislation which it , the Government , does not wish to devote its own time to , either because of its controversial nature or simply because it has better things to do .
25 The centre has already placed 50 or 60 people here or abroad but it has its own problems to overcome : there are few , if any overseas versions of NISW as most of the work tends to be located in the ministries of health or welfare .
26 ‘ I have thought about it once or twice but it seems impossible , ’ said Endill .
27 We have n't really discussed it , to be honest ; but I 've seen her with kids once or twice and she seems to get on with them instinctively .
28 is that a person who acts as a representative of another is in a conflict of interest situation if , either at the time when he accepts appointment or subsequently while he acts as a representative , there is a material interest of his own or of a third person for whom he also acts , and the pursuit or protection of that interest would create a substantial risk that he may not act in the best way to pursue or protect the interest of the person he represents .
29 Muon catalysed fusion may be only one miracle short of practical realisation , but as yet we do not know where that miracle will come from , nor even whether it exists .
30 Betty , suspect , generates a larger than average amount of her own static electricity aggravated by pushing the carriage to and fro and she has begun to discharge herself through the machine .
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