Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [adv] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Or rather how did it feel ?
2 She pulled the door back a foot or so then slammed it forward , catching him between the heavy wooden door and the frame .
3 The recession might not have been so long nor so deep had she listened .
4 These facts escaped the attention of our radical sisters and thereby so did we .
5 My middle daughter , Lal , sweetly and most touchingly offered me one of her kidneys , an offer I declined as decorously as I could .
6 So ‘ fit ’ and so well adapted were they , and so successfully did they dominate their terrestrial environment , that they survived for 140 million years .
7 They 've been focusing on the relationship between staff and students and so why did you focus on what appears to be the short end of the stick , rather than the major problem ?
8 Yes and so where did you go ?
9 The garden 's sole glory was a laburnum , which blossomed wonderfully each year : but even that she associated more with its dry black fatal pods than with its flowers , so often and so rigorously had she been warned of its poison .
10 There they brought the coracle ashore lightly , and drew in , with reluctance and the reverence of finality , what they had been hunting with such assiduity , and so persistently hoped they would not find .
11 He came out of the Hotel suddenly and violently , unable to endure the privilege which had so cruelly and so recently oppressed him .
12 By killing all these party officials he brought men into the party who owed everything to Stalin and so loyally supported him .
13 She was a startling sight in that setting , for she was immaculately dressed in riding clothes , her breeches almost white , boots black and so highly polished I could see the flood waters reflected in them .
14 I have noticed this just as clearly as the above many times while half asleep in bed but never had paper handy and so never wrote it down …
15 And so then said you 're telling porkies as a joke or something and Jimmy went what you bloody talking about
16 And so how did you er how did you manage how did the family ?
17 Following some reluctance to become involved in air pollution control , the federal government opted for a research role in 1955 and only slowly did it begin to intervene with the control policies adopted by the states .
18 On this day he was gliding home to our airfield and only just made it back with less than a hundred feet as he arrived flying downwind over the boundary .
19 In my view this restaurant 's three year old is a model of good behaviour : his tantrums are rare and only once did he complain about a lack of attention by peeing on the floor right between my feet and his mother 's .
20 Ignoring him , she shoved the dress into the case , zipped it shut , and only then realised he had Gwen Bear .
21 To his dismay , she wept and only then did he hear of the plan with which she had gone to Mrs Browning .
22 She made Terry try it on , take it off , changed something else , and finally , at gone midnight , she had done all that she could do , and only then did she allow Terry to look at herself in the mirror .
23 Generally the more expensive books would have gone already and only occasionally did I have to spend more than £5 , often far less .
24 For the sake of a quiet life he had given in to an unreasonable request and only now did he fully realize what it meant .
25 There was something enthralling about this scene , the three girls in the circle of insect-laden light , so that I had n't wondered what she was doing and only now did I realise that the girl was a fortune-teller .
26 She returned a few minutes later and somewhat grudgingly led me into a little room at the back .
27 The views of the teachers tended to be directly related to how involved they were in managing a department and thus how involved they were in spending capitation .
28 And just why did she stay the night in Piazza Pitti ? ’
29 And then she slopped herself down , got a fag and just about choked me and Auntie Alice out and then she did start to speak .
30 And just how did he get up there ? ’
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