Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Vegetables are from the garden or locally grown and bread and rolls are home-baked .
2 I more or less demanded that Nigel be referred to her .
3 This study has shown that when phonemes are selectively encoded as broad classes ( the mixed sets ) or entirely encoded as mid-classes , utterances are sometimes parsed into over a million word-strings .
4 Some of the 150 or so cast and production crew he gathered together at a local hotel broke down and wept as he confirmed their worst fears .
5 There were occasions when we were watching TV or just eating when waves of regret rippled across his face .
6 The main problem was that if the new devolved NHS services were to replace the asylums ' treatment , then a structure of long-term support would be needed for those who , albeit now being able to live in the community rather than vegetate as long-term inpatients , still mostly required structured day care or home visiting or occupation .
7 Coaching involves knowledge which can be either taught or practically applied and Thornton looks helpfully at the role of the director as spiritual coach :
8 Evolving over centuries , the fabric of the Nafferton which stands today bears witness to a continuous process or both change and continuity .
9 If you are using brick slips to cover a large arch in the same room , the soffit can be nailed below the arch , but set back about 25mm higher , or made flush with the arch , so that brick slips can be stuck around the face , or both face and soffit , to match the main arch .
10 Among many hundreds of aircraft destroyed or severely damaged as Hurricane Andrew swept across southern Florida in August were those housed in the Weeks Air Museum at Tamiami Airport , which was itself totally destroyed .
11 Some degeneration can be treated or even reversed and doctors and researchers in our hospitals have made great strides forward .
12 An extended example of local conservation techniques being neglected or even discouraged and government initiated ones being encouraged ( and later on forced upon the local population ) is given by Berry and Townshend ( 1973 ) .
13 ‘ Had you any reason to believe or even to suspect that Riddle might have been the father of your daughter 's baby ? ’
14 MANY of us were brought up on stories of great inventors and individualistic engineers , and have since had to reeducate ourselves to understand the development of science and technology as a social process , or even to believe that inventions are ‘ socially constructed ’ .
15 More radical socialists have been prepared to go even further : either insisting that markets operate within a framework of planning , or even proposing that markets themselves be ‘ socialized ’ , by inserting into them new institutions and procedures which will rob them of their tendencies to inequality and producer dominance .
16 Due to the presence of foreign exchange risk , or simply exchange or currency risk as it is often described , many exporters and importers use the forward market to hedge such risks and a link exists between Eurocurrency interest rates and the forward exchange rate .
17 This can be expensive and if a large mailing is going to regional newspapers , for example , it may be more sensible to reproduce one or two pictures on the release and invite editors to request prints , or simply state that photographs are available on demand .
18 Meanwhile , Marcus came less and less often , perhaps ‘ frightened off ’ , as Alison put it , by Pat 's noisy friends , or simply feeling that Pat no longer needed him .
19 Polar lakes and ponds are partly or completely frozen and snow-covered for much of the year .
20 This is not the place to repeat Wittgenstein 's rejection of such figments of linguistic bewitchment nor yet to deny that people and animals do have inner lives of pains , itches , tingles , thrills , and throbs .
21 A pair of Derwent jet engines , once fitted to Meteor WL181 and latterly used as runway de-icers were hammered down for only £750 .
22 It has been long and widely believed that urbanization and industrialization cause large increases in crime .
23 Thornton exploded , and successfully demanded that Curran be booted out .
24 Emile Durkheim ( 1960 : vol. 1 , ch. 2 ; see below , Chapter 3 ) argued that one function of the criminal law and punishment was to reinforce the conscience collective of society and thereby ensure that members of society continued to refrain from crime .
25 Indeed , Bethurum Loomis argued that Wulfstan 's disillusion with Æthelred , and perhaps with Cnut too , can be traced in his work , stressing that he modified his views on royal sanctity , seems not to have wished to rely on the king 's ability to keep public order , and eventually stated that bishops should direct all affairs , both lay and ecclesiastical .
26 The letters of the machine used for it had been brushed clean and the worn ribbon replaced at some time after the letter was typed , but all the other characteristics including misalignment of the ‘ d ’ and the unreliable shift control — had shown up in the enlargement and eventually confirmed that Wickham had found the machine he was seeking .
27 The new legislation amends the Badgers Act 1983 , which becomes the Badgers Act 1991 , and effectively ensures that badgers are as well protected by law as are species on the verge of extinction .
28 The letter was from Her Grace 's private secretary and gladly agreed that Lord John Rossendale should be given a ticket for the ball .
29 Could you cope with opening the door and suddenly seeing that fright in front of you ? —
30 So there was more , she realised , staring at him , and suddenly knew that Jamie had had something to do with this .
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