Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [adj] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Santa Cruz Operation Inc had been in discussions with Novell Inc for a NetWare client for its Open Desktop products — see front page — but those talks are more or less canned now that SCO thinks it 'll be able to get the same stuff through COSE .
2 It was the first event of its kind , and only possible now that traffic was beginning to move again after the restraints of the war .
3 With Improv for Windows , spreadsheets are reusable and easily modifiable so that more users can gain additional value from a spreadsheet over time .
4 Though not absolutely essential for a first draft version of a program , it is very important for later versions to be logically structured and easily readable so that they can be easily understood and modified by the author and others if required .
5 From there onwards it becomes stronger and more emotional so that her joyous movements and later abandon in Romeo 's arms are in absolute contrast to her later dance with Paris .
6 Their udders dropped and their teats became larger and more pendulous so that when they lay down in their stalls the vital milk-producing organ was pushed away to one side into the path of the neighbouring animals .
7 From 1950 to 1980 the tendency was for chronological studies to become increasingly sophisticated and more interdisciplinary so that this is a stricture on visualizing earlier work rather than the most recent .
8 Red and also blue so that in that one yellow , there 's no yellows around .
9 Occasionally a garishly painted truck passed us , raising a cloud of dust , and away to the west , hanging over us and clearly visible now that the clouds had lifted , the coastal range of the cordilleras towered pale and trembling in the heat .
10 Hilton 's Scale gains , perhaps , over some other later descriptions of the way in being very wide and very general so that the individual can find his own way therein without being embarrassed by a bundle of inapplicable particularities .
11 The interval must be long enough to avoid any carry-over practice effects between the first administration and the second , but sufficiently short so that it can be assumed that there will have been no change in the real underlying abilities of the children concerned .
12 Wycliffe looked about him and approved , especially of the walls which , in some past time , had been stencilled with designs that were mildly but cheerfully crazy so that to look at them for long made the eyes go funny .
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