Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] now [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Several comparable Government-funded libraries have recently been successful in obtaining ‘ one-off ’ grants from Scottish Office Departments for retrospective conversion , and I now recommend that Bob Crossman and I work together on putting forward a request for such funding from SO:AFD .
2 As I walk round the croft I can feel a strange sensation in my stomach , a feeling not unlike fear , and I now know that she is dead .
3 I mean , for instance , in my dreams er cars have taken on a very distinct personal symbolism that has really nothing to do with what you might think , because of personal experiences of mine , and I now know that whenever I dream about cars it always always has this but that 's because of something that happened to me and because of my personal erm kind of experiences , so cars have become a dream symbol .
4 I 've spent the night thinking about everything that happened , and I now realise that I made a mistake about you being involved with Harry Martin . ’
5 Kathleen had run home , and she now understood that it was , on this occasion , for reassurance , as though , by conveying the news to her sister , she would convey by implication something of her own anxiety , and receive comfort in Isabel 's own concern .
6 Well if she gets here at quarter past seven and three hours is quarter past ten , and she 's supposed to be at the Penny Farthing at nine o'clock , so you know , I , I do n't feel as though we are you know getting erm our money 's worth from her at the moment , erm also erm she told me in the beginning that this was only go on was going on for about six weeks , well it has now been going on for over eight weeks and she now says that erm she does n't know how longer it 's going on for and I think she is just erm stalling us .
7 Anna 's family are all dead and she now believes that she is the last person left in the world .
8 Soon afterwards exactly such a particle — the antielectron , or positron — was detected , and we now know that for every type of particle there is an appropriate antiparticle .
9 For example , I can say that Jones is behaving just like Smith did , and we now know that Smith behaved as he did because he had feelings of being persecuted , so it is possible that Jones has feelings of being persecuted , too .
10 And we now know that these ghastly effects are the results of what we referred to in the last lecture endotoxins .
11 We have studied the Labour party 's recent pronouncements and we now know that Labour proposes to renegotiate the whole deal .
12 in the level of commitment he has made to the MMF fund of nineteen ninety three on behalf of the provence and we now know that that 's a commitment , was a commitment of a nought percent increase .
13 As I feel so well now I have been able to sort out the problems with my husband and we now feel that we have got back the relationship we got married to share .
14 That is what happened , and we now realise that we must take away from such authorities that most unjust tool with which they managed to acquire electoral support that they did not deserve and have unscrupulously used .
15 We are increasingly accustomed to questioning the eternal validity of social roles , and we now recognise that the way in which we define masculinity and femininity , ‘ motherhood ’ and ‘ fatherhood ’ , even ‘ childhood ’ , are culturally specific and often bear little relationship to the expected or ascribed roles in other cultures , nor are they , of course , simple products of biology .
16 IBM Corp is leaving launch of the new top-end mainframe disk drive to its AdStar unit in San Jose , and it now appears that the introduction has been brought forward to tomorrow — perhaps in an effort to steal Hitachi Data Systems Inc 's thunder .
17 Sugars also attach to proteins to form ‘ glycoproteins ’ , and it now seems that most proteins function only in the form of glycoprotein .
18 Its discovery in E. coli is relatively recent , and it now seems that most bacteria can be transformed by raw DNA .
19 However , the sex of the fetus will be known in numerous situations of antenatal diagnosis other than for sex-linked diseases , and it now seems that some women seek abortions merely because they are dissatisfied with the sex of the fetus .
20 However , it should be noted that Scrutton LJ 's words were said in a case involving a contract between commercial parties and it now seems that the insistence that public policy is primarily concerned with holding people to their agreements is now out of favour .
21 The original enquiries about this were directed to the County Surveyor 's Department , but I now understand that the work on the boundary sign was done on behalf of the County Planning Department .
22 There was a copy in the library at one stage , although not listed under it was under , but I now see that when the other day I looked erm , according to er , there is n't even anything under .
23 But I now realise that I , too , have been a whore , now that I am in love .
24 They were laughed at then , but we now know that they were correct .
25 Once it used to be just child psychology but we now know that we develop all the time from womb to tomb .
26 But we now know that the dominant leader of the herd is the old matriarch and that the big bulls are forced to live out their lives in solitary splendour on the fringes of elephant society .
27 The rings of Saturn are indeed spectacular , but we now know that Jupiter , Uranus and Neptune likewise have rings : it is strange that the visiting extraterrestrials should not have mentioned this .
28 Without calculating moments of inertia about three Cartesian axes we can not be sure which band-type corresponds to which of the three IR-active symmetry species , but we now know that the B-axis is associated with a 1 vibrations , and is therefore the z axis .
29 In the past , it was thought that language began when the child uttered the first word , but we now know that it begins with the first interactions and communication shortly after birth .
30 But we now know that what discovered was individual genes and , as far as we know , individual genes are always handed on complete and intact .
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