Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] could n't [be] " in BNC.

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1 So you see I could n't fight with them too much cos I thought they 'd take it out on dad , so I said look I do n't want him here , I do n't need all this but I said another thing that got my goat , you asked my mum to help turn my dad , they asked my mum if she could help turn him because they did n't have enough staff or he could n't be turned and when my mum turned him she come out and was sick and cried her eyes out cos he had no skin from the top of his spine to the bottom , and he had a water blister like that Joy yellow on his arm , his penis was nearly the width of my arm pouring with blood , and septic from the catheter , oh and the smell , you 've never smelled nothing like it from the sores and the wounds , cos he was cut from here right the way down to here and they had a , all his legs were festering and gangrene in his legs
2 ‘ Quite frankly , Ken and I could n't be bothered to let our place and give out all those orders . ’
3 There had n't been a show , I had no contractions and I could n't be sure that my waters had broken . ’
4 You see , I needed to see you away from the château , and I could n't be sure you 'd come with me today .
5 So I er , I politely told him what he could do with that , well , I was eating his dinner and I could n't be too rude to him , but erm , you know , when er when , when confronted , I do n't give ground over that kind of thing .
6 ‘ I was treating this as a speed session before the Gisborough Moors race and I could n't be more pleased . ’
7 I had butterflies all over again and I could n't be more delighted . ’
8 Erm , I probably would have done because I made lots of mistakes and I could n't be bothered to go back and check them !
9 ‘ Nazis , ’ she said , once the door was shut and she could n't be overheard .
10 When they arrived at her close he took her inside , along past the stairs to where it was dark and they could n't be seen by the rest of the close .
11 And they could n't be simpler to use .
12 His meticulous performance slightly surprised her ; there had been moments when they seemed to have achieved a more casual contact , and he could n't be still trying to impress .
13 And it could n't be more convenient .
14 It was n't the van arriving for he would have heard the engine , and it could n't be Joe Maitland .
15 She did n't want to go to a dentist ; even her own dentist scared her , and it could n't be much — her teeth were perfect .
16 And it could n't be starter Captain Keith Brown , who allegedly rejected the possibility of using a different system TWO MONTHS before the race .
17 It might have been a Seiko , but I could n't be sure .
18 The cycle chain came off twice on the three miles back to the van , but I could n't be cross .
19 I said I was rather tied up at the school over most week-ends ; though the half-term holiday was the week-end after next and I might just be in Athens then — but I could n't be sure .
20 I thought once or twice that I saw a glint of sardonic amusement in Conchis 's eyes , but I could n't be sure .
21 I could have messed about to get the price under 20m to make them legit. teans but I could n't be arsed !
22 I knew you were protecting someone , but I could n't be sure who .
23 Your inexperience told me that you must be in love with me — but I could n't be sure .
24 Yeah , but I could n't be bothered to go all the way back there and change it again !
25 Yes it only wants stitching up , I said er really I could sit and do it now but I could n't be bothered .
26 I was gon na go up today but I could n't be fagged .
27 pathetic , it 's gon na freeze up again this afternoon down at Bournemouth , gon na have fish off the pier , go for some bees , but I could n't be bothered but there was nothing , it was too damn cold , it must of been minus five with the wind chill factor
28 Panama was five thousand miles away , but you could n't be too sure : it was still America 's backyard .
29 But you could n't be sure that was enough .
30 ‘ You think you 're still in the game , but you could n't be more wrong .
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