Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] had [not/n't] be " in BNC.

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1 The great bells of the abbey were booming and I idly wondered what would have happened to my life if Jack Hogg and I had not been taken .
2 ‘ My parents and I had n't been on good terms for some time .
3 They belonged to a club I was n't qualified to join , they were at a party and I had n't been asked . ’
4 ‘ A party and I had n't been asked … had n't been asked . ’
5 More likely the net was carried away because the ground was bone dry and hard and I had n't been able to push the stakes deep enough into the soil .
6 I 'd just arrived , and I had n't been up to the village yet , or seen anyone .
7 Michelangelo , da Vinci , Bellini , Caravaggio , Bernini — half the world 's art treasures in one country , and I had n't been able to travel beyond the walls of the Victoria and Albert .
8 And I had n't been out of bath long I says do n't knock on my bastard door again I said , I 'll wring your neck .
9 I thought that once , when I did my first removal because the boss was away , and I went to a house wh and they had more more mirrors in that house than I s ever seen since , and because I was only learning and I had n't been taught I put all the other furniture in and worried about the mirrors and worried about the mirrors and worried about the mirrors till at the end there was so much furniture in there was n't room to put the mirrors on the floor and I had to come back a second time to actually do that because I did n't dare put them anywhere else .
10 This is daft when you 've lost your job through no fault of your own ; when it really happened because your company had to contract , were firing people on the ‘ last in , first out ’ basis and you had n't been there long .
11 ‘ Servants , be obedient to them that are your masters ’ she read in Ephesians 6 — and she had not been obedient .
12 The official story had always been that Greg was simply a close family friend , but a child could have seen through the pretence and she had not been a child for a very long time , perhaps not since that long-ago night when she was four years old and had stood , unseen , outside a bedroom door …
13 The crucial evidence was that there was no indication that the manner of Williams ' driving had been unsuited to the road conditions , and she had not been drinking .
14 She had dared , and she had not been struck dead for it ; she had exposed herself , and she had not been raped , assaulted , or even insulted .
15 She had dared , and she had not been struck dead for it ; she had exposed herself , and she had not been raped , assaulted , or even insulted .
16 Perhaps Piers had been no more than a struggling architect when they had first met , and she had not been content to lead a life of poverty .
17 And she had not been blind either .
18 And she had not been half asleep and dreaming this time .
19 But she brought them because it salved her conscience to bring something , and she had not been for two weeks now .
20 He had hardly ever seen her naked since the first days of their marriage , and she had n't been anxious to show herself even then .
21 He had n't come out and she had n't been allowed in .
22 He 'd taken her to church , he 'd taken her to lunch and she had n't been particularly gracious about any of it .
23 One of my students had been using the machine and she had n't been knitting tuck , so the tuck brushes had been put out of work .
24 All that time , and she had n't been able to get him to look at her .
25 She had n't been home and she had n't been able to call in .
26 Anne had seen her going into my room , and she had n't been able to bear it .
27 With Julius , though , it had always been so very physical , and she had n't been able to stop herself from responding to that great flood of passion .
28 Roman had been holding her in his arms and she had n't been fighting — no wonder Dana was furious .
29 Jennifer 's illness had had its effect on her too ; lately her nerves had been bad and she had n't been sleeping .
30 And it would be yesterday morning again , and she had n't been up to Hunter Ward and eavesdropped on a conversation .
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