Example sentences of "[coord] [pers pn] had [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 Each bird seemed to know exactly which Minpin it was collecting , and each Minpin knew exactly which bird he or she had ordered for the morning .
2 Paul and I had gone for a walk along the sand , northwards on a calm , bright autumn day after a ferocious storm the night before that had ripped slates off the roof of the house , torn up one of the trees by the old sheep-pen and even snapped one of the cables on the suspension foot-bridge .
3 When the pass came and I had arranged for a fortnight 's holiday I travelled to the Pacific coast in a day coach : overnight to Calgary , and on for another 24 hours through the glorious panorama of the Rockies to Burrard Inlet , English Bay and Stanley Park , Vancouver .
4 On the Waterfront and Rebel without a Cause had appeared in 1954 and 1955 , starring Marlon Brando and James Dean respectively , and I had fallen for them both .
5 Knowing this , I was still impotent , for I had nothing to put in its stead , no one to turn to for advice or support , and I had learned for myself nothing of life except that I was bad at living , and that where I loved I met only rejection and disaster .
6 Family meant a great deal to him , obviously , and she had witnessed for herself his kindness and strength .
7 He was the Principal Scientific Officer Document Examiner , and she had worked for him as a young S.O .
8 And they had asked for compensation : so not war-widows ' pensions , in any case readily forthcoming in the Libyan welfare system , but perhaps bloodwealth , that compensation exchanged between groups to ensure peace between them .
9 It had started when they discovered she was meeting Rob , and they had asked for her promise that she would never see him again .
10 The two told how Pringle had called for Jason at his home in Geneva Road , Darlington , on Sunday afternoon and they had gone for a ride around in a van .
11 And they had fought for their country in 1939 when the Irish Republic remained neutral which was , after all , just what one could expect of rebels who had taken advantage of Britain 's involvement in the First World War to stage the 1916 Easter Rising .
12 The irony for England was that had he decided differently he would have been playing for them rather than against them , for his parents had brought him from Barbados at the age of twelve to live in Reading , and he had played for England schoolboys .
13 He spent hours with the local clergyman who had his own private store of medicines such as Epsom salts , gentian , laudanum , and quantities of port which he believed built up the strength , and he had seen for himself how garlic had done wonders for children with whooping cough .
14 Christine 's live-in lover had confirmed the holiday dates she had given : they had travelled abroad around the date-of the murder , and he had vouched for her staying at home in the days leading up to the death .
15 He needed to compare his ledger 's statistics with the industry averages/norm , and he had hoped for a concentrated sample from their trade association , but no such luck .
16 The youth 's uncle , slightly pink , also laughing , accepted the turn in the argument : Idi Amin might be black , he said , but he was a Muslim and he had asked for Libyan aid .
17 And he had stood for several minutes in the passage , paralysed with embarrassment , and shame and chagrin .
18 ‘ He was enjoying it , he loathed MacQuillan , ’ he said and reminded her that Shildon and he had worked for MacQuillan when he bought his first paper .
19 She lost him then and had to search and found him eventually curled up amid the wiring in the back of the record-player where he had n't hidden for a long time , not since two dark-haired people who were into black magic had come to dinner and he had disappeared for half a day until she found his secret hole .
20 All his family had died and he had walked for two days without food to find aid .
21 The country in the south had been really weird , with mushrooms of crumbling lava and wide flat rivers to cross , and it had rained for days , which had added to the general air of unreality as these features kept emerging from the mist .
22 The army had said we would average fifteen , but I had hoped for eighteen and had told them so .
23 " No , I suppose not , but I had hoped for something a little more exotic .
24 She 'd wanted me to come to Lochgair and say sorry to him there , but I had begged for mercy , and — rather to my surprise — been granted it .
25 My mother had wept very little , her tears dried by her wrath , but I had cried for her .
26 It was unusual for her to have been alone then , but she had asked for time to herself .
27 But she had hoped for too much , and Matthew remained unforgiving , not actively unfriendly towards her but always out of her reach .
28 New Year 's Eve in those early years had possessed a dull religious sheen , a pewter glimmer , which by much effort and polishing and dedication of the will could bring her a little light , a little hope , a little perseverance : but she had longed for the flames and the candles , the cut glass and the singing .
29 ‘ You 're completely unscrupulous , Lydia , ’ said Betty , but she had laughed for a moment .
30 The light was fading perceptibly now ; they had set out in the full glare of the midday sun , but they had ridden for several hours and dusk was creeping across the land .
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